Today is my birthday, and its the worst day of the year so far. It has been snowing since last night, and its just barely freezing out, so the snow is half melted and its all slush, what a crappy day to have a birthday on.

Looks like all I'm getting is 50 bucks and a new Washburn guitar(my dad got it last friday). More than I usually get, I should be happy I guess.
Happy Birthday, at least it's not a blizzard, I've had heavy snow storms on my birthday here (and my birthday is in July!), so it could be worse. At least you're able to spend it with people you love, some people can't even do that.
In response to Nadrew
Happy birthday. If you don't like the cold, move to Australia. Today is a perfect day, nice and warm, no clouds, and the air is just right for drinking (Can anyone name the show I stole that from?).
Last year for my 18th I spent sunset laying on the balcony at my appartment wearing nothing but my boxers, while getting a backrub... The rest of the day sucked, but thanks to the weather it sucked in style. =P
In response to DarkView
Ack, Indiana has screwy weather, we get over 100 degress F in the summer and below 0 in winter.

I didn't really get to see any family either today :( my mom is sick and couldn't come over, and I guess my dad just forgot(I live with my moms parents).
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
I guess my dad just forgot(I live with my moms parents).

That really sucks, my Dad didn't realise he forgot my 18th for a long time.
In response to DarkView
Try being able to have your party in your pool in the middle of December, then you'll know your in Houston. It didn't get cold until today and its only 60F, and it probably wont lower down past that.
In response to Kusanagi
I used to live an hour outside of Houston, and the tempurature sounds about right ^_^
In response to Kusanagi
Come to Australia, go to a place called Surfers Paradise, now that is perfect weather.
I decided I wanted to go in the pool since they were playing Godzilla on the movie channel and my Gameboy was dead. So I get down there, it's raining, and everyone is still wearing bikini's.
If it wasn't for the Queenslanders that place would be perfect. =P
Happy birthday, and check your wallet!