Ok, I'm really annoyed. I've finally got around to fixing the DirectX and OpenGL problems Windows 2000 comes with, so I've been playing a bunch of cool games.
However, today I dug up my "pile-o-classics" (Syndicate Wars in particular), and none of them work anymore because Windows 2000 has a grudge against great grandpa DOS.

Does anyone know a way to work around this problem so I can have some good ol' DOS pie without downgrading to Windows 98?
Would it really be downgrading to Windows 98? Think about it.
In response to Kusanagi
Heh. Windows 2000 is not really that great a gaming platform if you intend to play any old games. But Windows 98 does crash a lot. =P Maybe get XP? (Some people have problems with XP, some don't. With any luck, you'll be one of the latter!)

Or of course you could just get out a DOS boot disk. Provided you can get it to access your hard drive; if your HDD is partitioned as NTFS, then you have a problem! In this case, you could repartition your drive (preferably with a nondestructive program like PartitionMagic; if you use FDISK or similar, you'll have to back everything up first and then reinstall. But if you're going to that much trouble, you might as well dual-boot Win2k and Win98, which works pretty well).
In response to Crispy
Is it possible to have a HDD with A NFTS partition and a FAT32 partition on it at the same time?
In response to Mrhat99au
In response to Crispy
A DOS boot disk would be the best way to go. Either that or multiboot with a version of DOS 6 on a small FAT16 harddrive partition. Downgrading to Win98 will help for a number of old DOS games, but certainly not all, or possibly even close to all. Win98 also has a grudge against DOS. Many of the more advanced/newer games won't run on Win98 or Win98's DOS 7.whatever.
In response to Jon88
Couldnt you just use a NTFS Dos boot disk? After a quick search on google, it may be possible,
Either make a separate disk partition with a lower OS on it (Win9x, DOS) or try and emulate a virtual machine (that can be slow!)

- Partition Magic can add/remove/change partitions on your HD without erasing data.

In response to Mrhat99au
Useful, I didn't realise NTFS boot disks existed. =) That'd be the way to go then. Much easier than repartitioning your hard drive!
In response to Garthor
*Viciously makes out with Garthor*
THANK YOU! You are my new god!
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote: might as well dual-boot Win2k and Win98...

I second that vote. That way you get the best of both worlds- heck make three partitions, and stick Linux and the 3rd! then you get access to all the cool games for Linux too (that are not ported to Windoze!) :D

and for those who want to play windoze titles on their linux box: