![]() Dec 25 2003, 11:37 pm
I'm going to buy an XBox and Halo tomorrow with the haul I got from christmas! $225 USD in just one day, SCORE!
lol, XBoxes have more powerful processors than PS2s, that and they have overflow processing, unlike the PS2, which hangs when it reaches 100% CPU.
Oh, and my playstation 2, I'm using it as a stand for my XBox, so it doesn't get hair and dust in it from the carpet. Enjoy your 128bits! I will enjoy both. |
For one, sitting your XBox ontop of a PS2 will not prevent hair and dust from getting into it...
For two, I do enjoy my 128 bit system :) Most XBox games are either released for the PS2 also, or for the computer, so I get that. As far as XBox's processor.. I've worked with the Pentium arcitecture.. and it aint' pretty :) |
Dreq wrote:
As far as XBox's processor.. I've worked with the Pentium arcitecture.. and it aint' pretty :) Who cares what it looks like, as long as it works? =P And please don't start The Console Flame Wars Episode 18237192.42, or I think I might kill myself out of sheer annoyance. (I'm exaggerating... a little.) |
No console flame war for me, Get a PC, so much better, lots of game, customizations, a lot more useful.
Or, get the console you want :)
I had an XBox, i then sold it for a gamecube, and sold the gamecube for a PS2.. maby i'll sell my ps2 for a few cases of soda or something.. |
Well, i suggest a computer over everything, but if you need a system get the PS2.
Reasons: The gamecube doesn't have replay value, and it certainly can't make enough cash or credit(After turning it in) to get another console. The Xbox just copies other systems games, and ports them in. Hmm, bill gates, your a greedy little basta*d o.o; The Ps2 does hang sometimes, but atleast it has a better online deal then the xbox. Forgot to mention socom, thats certainly enough to make up for each of the other systems. Overall, the PS2 is highly recommended as the other consoles just don't sum up to par, everyones always raving about how the xbox has power and style, but really when you take a big deep look into it..its just a computer thats going to get old in a year. As for me, i'm PC and PS2. Gotta have those FPS's ^^;! |
I'm not a "PS2 fan-kid",
Why does everyone always try to assume what i am?.. sheesh. (Besides, there are gamecube fans, xbox fans, and ps2 fans, so your just being a smart ass and trying to insult me.) |
People describe you based on your actions and words... your actions and words fit what he considers a "PS2 Fan-kid" to be, so he calls you one. That's nicer than the way you call people an ass, idiot, or moron for doing no more than stating an opinion you disagree with.
XBoxs are a bit easier to mod (or, as of recently, not mod) to use Linux now-a-days.
we have a modded Xbox running Debian being used as a router/print server... not bad for 100 € |
Dreq wrote:
Heh aparently you've never heard of Linux for PS2 somehow O_o **buzz** wrong! but thanks for playing! :) has been around for quite some time, *but* you need to buy a kit for Linux (harddrive, memory card, special PS2 Linux, etc.). For the Xbox, you can either buy a mod-chip board and install Linux on a second partition, or install a certain version of Debian or Mandrake (i forget which) under dual boot (or wipe the xbox clean and use it all for linux) on CD/DVD and take advantage of a bootloader bug - |
To be honist, the PS2 is a great system, no i will give you that the x-box looks better, and does tend to run a little smoother, but the ps2 has nice games for it that the x-box doesnt. Also, most x-box games do get released as pc games, which i then buy and play, which stops me from needing to buy an x-box. The ps2 is more of a game system then a computer, which is how it should stay, not saying i dont like play games on my pc, but if i want to buy a computer, ill buy a computer, not a game console.And really, the X-Box is really outdated now, a good pc can do so much better.
I personally see it like this :
Ps2 are always the first system to be realized so of course any other system made later will have better specs. Xbox and GameCube were released awhile after Ps2 so they acually have time to find out ways to beat out any Sony releases. But being the owner of all 3 GameCube, X-Box, and Ps2 I find Ps2 being the best, in my opinion Ps2 has the best games and I love Sony |
Depends on when you bought your PS2, if you bought it recently then you have a new updated PS2 ^^;, Like me!
-dances- AR's and gamesharks can't work on the new ps2's hahaha! Take that, you moronic cheats. |
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