![]() Dec 26 2003, 6:01 pm
In response to Karasu Kami
Well, the Xbox is basically a PC pretending to be a console. =) Besides, last I heard Microsoft was selling the Xbox cheaper than they cost to make. They hope to make that up with game sales... but if you just buy an Xbox, put Linux on it, and use it as a PC, then you're basically ripping off Microsoft... and I mean, c'mon, who doesn't want to rip off multimillion dollar corporations and get away with it? =D
Microsoft is only going to make so many X-Boxes. At a certain point, any X-Box you buy is merely decreasing MS's losses.
Say MS will produce 100 X-Boxes. Lets say a X-Box costs 100 dollars and MS sells them for 50.
There are 70 people who will buy a single X-Box to use as a video game machine, and will only play games on it. There are 20 people who dislike microsoft and would buy an X-Box to install Linux on it, and play no games at all(which is where MS makes its money, game sales). If only the 70 people bought an X-Box microsoft would be out $6500. 100-70=30 70*50(50 dollar loss)=$3500 30*100(no sales, 100 dollar loss)=$3000 If those Linux-only people bought an X-Box to "make microsoft lose more money" microsoft would be out $5500. 70+20=90 100-90=10 90*50=$4500 (Linux users and gamers. 50 dollar loss for each) 10*100=$1000 (no sales, 100 dollar loss) If a Linux-only X-Box buyer buys an X-Box to make microsoft lose cash, they're actually doing the opposite. An unbought X-Box loses MS more money than one bought for non-gaming purposes. |
Jon88 wrote:
An unbought X-Box loses MS more money than one bought for non-gaming purposes. You could have summed that entire post up with just that sentence. =) I get your point now... but in any case, it's a nice cheap "computer". |
Karasu Kami wrote:
But it doesn't have the joy of a mouse and keyboard! T.T; if you are referring to xbox, it actually does- if i recall correctly, the connectors for the game controllers are just funny shaped USB ports- you can build or buy adapters for them so that you can use any standard USB keyboard, mouse, printer, etc., that Linux would support. |
Don't forget to buy Xbox Live and get some good games. I rented Rainbow 6 III and it kinda sucks....
Now that's a feature that will sell through the roof =P
You either don't want to cheat, in which case you won't be effected, or you do want to cheat, in which case you will be annoyed because you can't. |
...Sorry guys,I still say the XBox is better than the PS2, the XBOX just has better games. Please read on before flaming me for this remark.
Well, the XBox has a huge ammount of memory, so less loading time. It has about 70% of the games PS2 have, and about 30% that Gamecube has. Also, about 80% are on PC as well, but the problem with PCs, typically they cost $800-$1000 for a good one. On top of all this, 90% of the new games being released for XBox are on XBox live. PS2 boasts about two or three dozen titles for online at best. Next: Xbox has a built in headset, I have not heard of any such product on PS2. XBox requires a highspeed connection to play any online games. A MAJOR Plus, because PS2 does not have a spawn procedure for their online games. You see, if a slow player connects to the world, the PS2 waits for the package the world sent their modem, and then waits for the response package, and then if subsequent time passes, it sends another package. XBOX, however, does not allow slow connections, it even does not by default allow AOL Highspeed. XBox does not wait for packages to be sent back, it simply sets a background procedure to kick the player off the server after a certain ammount of time passes. Unfortunately with XBOX, you have to reconfigure your router so that the XBox can connect. I dunno what the deal is, but the XBox tends to send unsolicited packages, and most routers, like my NETGEAR have to be configure before it will accept them. If you blame XBox for having all the games the other systems have, you really are just looking for an excuse to hate XBox just because they are a Microsoft product. Look, if you are blaming a system for having a diverse array of games, it's not much of an insult. And as for the games being on PC, it's easier and cheaper to buy the games on XBox, that is, to circumvent the process of upgrading the computer all the freakin' time. Anyway, I'm done, oh yeah, and Gamecube just plain sucks. ~Ter |
If gamecube just plain sucks... and it's the number TWO console(Xbox is number three) that must mean... Xbox REALLY sucks!
The majority of Xbox games are easily found(usually for cheaper) on the PC. Most gamers would have a PC already, and therefore many Xbox games would be pointless. Buying a PS2, or a Gamecube, would give them access to more, high quality games. |
...i'm sorry, but how is buying a radeon or voodoo3 chip cheaper than Xbox games, these chips can run for as much as $200, more than an XBox, and are REQUIRED to play these games, PC games are usually $60 XBOX games at release are usually $60, but greatest hits are $14 to $15.
MOST people already have a computer, true, but MOST people don't have more than a 4 gig hard drive, or more than 256M of memory, OR more than a 600mhz processor. A decent system has at least 40gig hd, 512M of ram, minimum, and a 1.1ghz processor, not to mention a graphics card, or 3D excellerator. A good computer can run you anywhere from $800 to $1000 dollars, once again, read my full post. AND, before you respond, MOST people don't have a current or decent computer. |
Click here.
These are the official system specs of all three systems. As you can see, XBox is the best in terms of power and capability. The GameCube comes in second in most places, although the Dreamcast and Playstation two are both close in comparitive power. The system specs themselves don't mean jack. It's the software producers that you need to look at. Take a peek at Final Fantasy X. Look at the intricate detail. Look at the thousands of hours the Squaresoft staff put into the game. THAT is what creates a game. Have you looked at the graphics of Mario Kart: Double Dash, or perhaps Super Smash Bros. Melee, for the GameCube? Both have extremely good character animations, textured and good-looking sprites, excellent lighting, and other positive graphical qualities. The power of a system says nothing. The dedication of the programmers is everything. You can argue that your system is better, or more powerful, but it means nothing. Half the developers don't even use 60% of the power of these systems. Focus on buying games from the developers you like. The Playstation 2 might have "better games" because you like the criminal shooter games. The GameCube might have better games because you like the Nintendo staple series'. It all depends on your personal taste and opinion. Nothing you say applies to everyone, and you must always remember this. Therefore, arguing that somebody elses system sucks, and will always suck, is stupid. There is no point. State your opinion, and leave it at that -- don't go off trying to state my opinion, or anyone elses. ~Polatrite~ |
...I have no idea what your last statement has to do with anything I just said... Honestly, I do not believe you have read either post I just made. AND, if you did, I do not think you comprehended what I said in them.
I give up, I do not agree, but I quit, this argument is far too ignorant and futile to even be a part of anymore. Yes, each system has it's merits, the PS2's ability to reduce polygon errors, and it's data stream speeds, the Gamecube with it's fast reading and built-in graphics cards (which are far more extensive than Ps2 or XBox), and the XBox with it's speed and built-in hard drive. In terms of console, XBox is probably the best, but in terms of media, it's a tossup. That's my final post on this subject. |
Ter13 wrote:
MOST people already have a computer, true, but MOST people don't have more than a 4 gig hard drive, or more than 256M of memory, OR more than a 600mhz processor. A decent system has at least 40gig hd, 512M of ram, minimum, and a 1.1ghz processor, not to mention a graphics card, or 3D excellerator. A good computer can run you anywhere from $800 to $1000 dollars, once again, read my full post. AND, before you respond, MOST people don't have a current or decent computer. Hold on there. Most computers come default with at least 20GB hard drives, at least 1.0GHZ (usually more) and a lot come with 512. Sure, they cost more, but a gamer has to do what a gamer has to do. |