![]() Dec 29 2003, 1:58 pm
In response to Ter13
If the Xbox is the best, how come the only current generation console selling worse than it is the Dreamcast?
I dunno how it happened, but the post in front got screwed up.
a little evidence why XBOX rules! Worst selling console? Do some research, pal, and dreamcast is far from current. |
Here's a link to delete that post, Ter13:
http://developer.byond.com/forum/ index.cgi?action=message_delete&message=232618&forum=7 |
Because you can get a used DC, sixteen games, four controllers, and 2 memory cards for around $2.50
...Well, you know what I mean! I saw a Dreamcast with a bundled game for $25.00, which really is a good buy. ~Kujila |
Ever seen Resident Evil? Besides, I would never do that to a multimillion dollar corporations, but rather, a multibillion dollar one.
well, it may not be the best system, but the other day, I was heading out to my friend's house, on my rollerblades, and my XBox was in my backback (for liked Halo :D), and the garage door caught my backpack as I was rolling under it (I am too lazy to find my key, so I just hit the button and try to get under it before it closes.), and I fell flat on my back, landing fullforce on my XBOX, and then the garage door closed on the side portion of my backpack (with XBOX in between. I tugged my backpack out, and after two brutal shocks, the thing didn;t even have a mark on it! Not even a scratch! AND, the thing runs perfectly!
...It's heavy as hell though, and big and clunky. But at least it doesn't get that "Cannot read disk error" that my PS2 gets all the time... |
Hmmmm.... linux on Microsoft platforms... *universe implodes*
Linux is the bane of Microsoft! ...Or is Microsoft the bane of Linux? *Head explodes* |
It wouldn;t be a very good PC, it's only got a 766 Processor, but it has the most badass graphics card of any system! That, and a massive hard drive.
Ter13 wrote:
> lol, XBoxes have more powerful processors than PS2s, that and they have overflow processing, unlike the PS2, which hangs when it reaches 100% CPU. System specs have nothing to do with the greatness of a console engine. It's all about the games, and arguably, X-Box has a very low point in those speculations. Which is why i'm rooting for the original creators of the consoles, the Playstation 2 and the Gamecube. The PS2 has many, many games, and the majority of them aren't half-bad. The Gamecube lacks many things but, however, they have some of the greatest games ever made (in my honest opinion)! > Oh, and my playstation 2, I'm using it as a stand for my XBox, so it doesn't get hair and dust in it from the carpet. Look here buddy, if you're going to start some kind of flame war about consoles, then I suggest you take your X-box loving butt and high-tail it out of these forums. Any moderator please take into my request of deletion of this space-wasting, time-wasting, offending piece of a so called "thread". |
I did not start a flame war, you were just hostile without provocation, the only thing expressing emotion in your quote was the "lol" at the top. I suggest you either ignore it or accept it, it'll pass.
(And just because gasoline is a liquid, it doesn't mean it'll put out a fire, so don't throw more on if it is bothering you.) |
Ter13 wrote:
> I did not start a flame war, you were just hostile without provocation, the only thing expressing emotion in your quote was the "lol" at the top. I suggest you either ignore it or accept it, it'll pass. Hmm, I don't suppose you are from around these parts aren't you? Usually expressing your opinion with strong belief can usually lead to a flame war. Why? Because other people have different opinions, in which case I doubtfully know that this will evolve into a flame war. I hold no grudges here (exceptions are DBZ rippers), but if you want to be a true gentleman, then I suggest you stop replying to this topic. I know a great deal of people whom was offended by your posts as by saying "X-Box is better then PS2". |
I know a great deal of people (including me) who absolutely hate the forums getting clogged up with console war threads. This is rapidly degenerating into a flame thread, which is something these forums don't need more of.
Excuse me, I addressed in most of my statements that this was my opinion, and each system had their own merits. I STRONGLY suggest you butt out, hyppocrite
this statement: Hmm, I don't suppose you are from around these parts aren't you? Usually expressing your opinion with strong belief can usually lead to a flame war. Why? Because other people have different opinions, in which case I doubtfully know that this will evolve into a flame war. does not fit with this one: System specs have nothing to do with the greatness of a console engine. It's all about the games, and arguably, X-Box has a very low point in those speculations. Which is why i'm rooting for the original creators of the consoles, the Playstation 2 and the Gamecube. The PS2 has many, many games, and the majority of them aren't half-bad. The Gamecube lacks many things but, however, they have some of the greatest games ever made (in my honest opinion)! or this one: Look here buddy, if you're going to start some kind of flame war about consoles, then I suggest you take your X-box loving butt and high-tail it out of these forums. Any moderator please take into my request of deletion of this space-wasting, time-wasting, offending piece of a so called "thread". look man, I know the rules to this forum, and people who ddemand other people shut their mouths just because their opinion does not match another's, well, I can't say much about the rest of the community, but if you want to start a flame war, you got it. This was a peaceful, and moderately heated debate until you showed up. The only thing I said that was remotely rude before now was that Jon88's statements were ignorant of my previous statements. He was saying the XBox console sucked because it had a lot of the games the PS2 and Gamecube have, whereas, I was saying Hardware capabilities of the XBOX far outmatch those of the Gamecube and in many areas, the PS2. This was not a flame war. I doubt you read most of this thread, hell, I doubt you will even read most of this post. You'll just read until you interpret something as offensive, and then quote it so that you can yell out "Admin, please help me, this guy's being mean to me" You act like I'm some ignorant first-month BYONDer, when in actuality, I am closer to three years on this community. This give me no more status than your two-month carcass, but people KNOW that I am sarcastic, impatient, and very opinionated, but don't have much issue with it. For the most part, however, you act as though there is an "I hate Ter13's XBox Posts Anonymous" group meeting unbeknownst to me, "I know several people who are offended by your statements", yeah, well I know of several people throughout history who committed mass-genocide, but that does not make them right, now does it? And second of all, the administrators deal with what they think is unacceptable, and this thread has been up for several days, I think if they were going to delete it, they would have by now, it's not like we are rambling on without a topic, or swearing at each other, but if you want to, by all means do, it would be of no loss to be if you were banned. I hold no grudges here (exceptions are DBZ rippers), but if you want to be a true gentleman, then I suggest you stop replying to this topic. I know a great deal of people whom was offended by your posts as by saying "X-Box is better then PS2". Finnally, there is nothing ungentlemanly of having an opinion, there is a word in there: man, related to human, also closely related to mortal, and mortals are fallable, which means they MUST have opinions, it is my born right to be able to form an opinion, and the right to express it is so given by the constitution, there is absolutely NOTHING ungentlemanly about intelligent thought. Now note: I could have gone personal and insulted you a hundred times over in this article, but I left the numbers low, you know, just so the big words don't overwhelm you. This is the last post I expect to be sending to you today, or any time in the future. ~Ter |
Ahem, you said the GameCube sucked. I just responded that if the gamecube sucked, yet it has sold more consoles than the xbox recently, that the xbox must suck more.
the XBox and game cube have sold 14.9 million each, they are neck and neck, and I apologize if I said that, but the Gamecube's titles, IN MY OPINION aren't nintendo quality, don't get me wrong, I love Nintendo, but the N64 was barely a success, and the Gamecube is not doing great, but again, I restate, The Gamecube's capabilities for Polygons-per-second are in first place among the three, but the Gamecube is in last place for other features. Be it that titles don't make the system, I just don't think the Gamecube's capabilities live up to what PS2 or XBox have managed to achieve, hell, no game has ever been released that has taken up even 30% of The XBox's resources, or more than 70% of the PS2's! Ther eis still a lot of room for improvement there, and I'd like to see what happens soon.
But for the time being, I think I'm going to stick with XBox, sure, Vice city on PS2 is fun, but with it's ability to eat cars when you leave them, and for floors to drop out from under you while you are driving, just plain sucks, and doesn't happen as much in the XBox version. However, because of XBox's inability to just let you play DVD's without buying a thirty dollar kit, well, I hate my XBox now. YOu have to buy a remote to play DVDs! How unfair is that! all the hardware in the XBox can do this without it, but the remote is the only way to access it! Damn you marketing tactics! |
Ter13 wrote:
> Excuse me, I addressed in most of my statements that this was my opinion, and each system had their own merits. I STRONGLY suggest you butt out, hyppocrite All I am saying is please stop responding unless you wish to start a flame war. Right now you're starting one now, yes right now, by posting your own opinion, and negating other's opinions. > This was a peaceful, and moderately heated debate until you showed up. Huh? Peaceful? *looks around* what'da'ya trying to say to me? That i'm a peace-breaker or something? This was no debate here my friend, at least to my own eyes. All this was, was neglecting other's opinions, and boasting your very own, X-box dwelling self. To tell you the truth, I see no use in an opinion for such an X-box fanatic as yourself, you just seem to be supporting them too much to even start a debate. This was not a flame war. Uhh, did you even read my last writings here? I said it will develope into a major flame war if you do not handle it with enough courtesy and manner, and order of course. This thread broke them all and you made a little "pole" of some sort; "which one's better to your eyes? X-box? PS2? or Gamecube?", I do believe that i'm speaking up for the rest of us about this case. And remember, only you can prevent forum flames! I doubt you read most of this thread, hell, I doubt you will even read most of this post. You'll just read until you interpret something as offensive, and then quote it so that you can yell out "Admin, please help me, this guy's being mean to me" Funny, you seem to have a grudge against me when I don't even have the slightest against you. Calm down. You act like I'm some ignorant first-month BYONDer, when in actuality, I am closer to three years on this community. Three years here too lad! I've had scattered accounts, and I have yet to reveal my true identity to the republic. Yep. This give me no more status than your two-month carcass, but people KNOW that I am sarcastic, impatient, and very opinionated, but don't have much issue with it. Lemme tell ya's something, opinionated threads kill. For the most part, however, you act as though there is an "I hate Ter13's XBox Posts Anonymous" group meeting unbeknownst to me, "I know several people who are offended by your statements", yeah, well I know of several people throughout history who committed mass-genocide, but that does not make them right, now does it? I never said I hate X-box lad, I just said I dislike it. I'm a big Bill Gates protester, DOWN WITH GATES! Look here pal, I just said I dislike it in a minorly manner. However you said they all suck major arse compared to X-box, in your mind the X-box reigns supreme, and that's fine by me for all I care. > And second of all, the administrators deal with what they think is unacceptable, and this thread has been up for several days, I think if they were going to delete it, they would have by now, it's not like we are rambling on without a topic, or swearing at each other, but if you want to, by all means do, it would be of no loss to be if you were banned. I'm not flaming nobody (at least I think i'm not), and frankly I think you hold some sort of personality grudge with me or something. I think we all know opinionated threads (especially this one) kills, i've seen threads like this in the past. They all started with "little" flames like you're doing and then it sparks up into huge flames and all-our brawls. Tis a sad story indeed. > Finnally, there is nothing ungentlemanly of having an opinion, there is a word in there: man, related to human, also closely related to mortal, and mortals are fallable, which means they MUST have opinions, it is my born right to be able to form an opinion, and the right to express it is so given by the constitution, there is absolutely NOTHING ungentlemanly about intelligent thought. I never said expression your very own opinion was wrong or anything of the sorts! I've just seen too many threads like these, exactly like these, talking in the same fashion of the console wars, devolope into flames. > Now note: I could have gone personal and insulted you a hundred times over in this article, but I left the numbers low, you know, just so the big words don't overwhelm you. Yeah, I know a 19 year old lad like myself cannot understand words that are spout outta your mouth mi'boy. But, however, was a funny insult while it lasted. > This is the last post I expect to be sending to you today, or any time in the future. Thank you for upholding into my request, you are indeed a true gentlemen. One giant leap for man-kind! Another thread is saved! |
alright, YOu want to be smart? I'll continue our little discussion.
In the below articles, you will find every sentence I wrote on this thread, in ONE thread did I make a comment that was not disclaimered. I apologize if I offended anyone, but you all have to learn that disclaimers only breed further ignorance... by letting the dumb people survive. Anyway, I do not feel that I have started a flame war, I feel that you have come in unsolicited, and insulted me, and alienated my right to have an opinion. In FIVE out of these six posts, I listed the merits and pitfalls of each system, including those of the XBox. You have been making hyppocritical comments throughout your posts, first you say I have no right to override the opinions of others, and then you do so By saying I am too much of an XBox enthusiast to be listened to. I am not an XBox enthusiast, as a matter of fact, if you had been here as long as you say, you would have read my NUMEROUS anti-microsoft posts. At first, I was pro-Gamecube, bought it, played it, sold it three months ago, then I bought a PS2, brand new, within a year, the thing stopped working 90% of the time. Disc Read failure, 9 out of 10 people I know that own a PS2 have found that after a while, the PS2 does not work most of the time. I am now using my PS2 as a stand for my XBox, which I might add I like a lot more, the controllers are roomier, and don't cramp my hands, and are more durable, and I can't crush the plastic by gripping the controller had in frustration. I have broken three PS2 controllers because of my squeezing habit (if you count the DualShock 1 as a PS2 controller). Honestly, I like PS2's titles, but have found very little to keep me entertained within them, I enjoy shooters, and for shooters, XBox is the place to go. Oreo, you are deserving of whatever hostility I have given you, you brought it down upon yourself, and are provoking wholly this "flame war". YOu can't just say "Bad Ter! You were about to start a flame war!", the person has to commit the crime to be guilty, it's like arresting a poor person for looking into a shop window for F's sake! And furthermore, I reccommend that you read these below posts, you will find that they have NOT been edited, and that only ONCE did I say that gamecube sucked, whiich in my OPINION, it did, now, if you discredit that opinion, you are TRULY a hyppocrite. Post # 1: I'm going to buy an XBox and Halo tomorrow with the haul I got from christmas! $225 USD in just one day, SCORE! Post #2: ...Sorry guys,I still say the XBox is better than the PS2, the XBOX just has better games. Please read on before flaming me for this remark. Well, the XBox has a huge ammount of memory, so less loading time. It has about 70% of the games PS2 have, and about 30% that Gamecube has. Also, about 80% are on PC as well, but the problem with PCs, typically they cost $800-$1000 for a good one. On top of all this, 90% of the new games being released for XBox are on XBox live. PS2 boasts about two or three dozen titles for online at best. Next: Xbox has a built in headset, I have not heard of any such product on PS2. XBox requires a highspeed connection to play any online games. A MAJOR Plus, because PS2 does not have a spawn procedure for their online games. You see, if a slow player connects to the world, the PS2 waits for the package the world sent their modem, and then waits for the response package, and then if subsequent time passes, it sends another package. XBOX, however, does not allow slow connections, it even does not by default allow AOL Highspeed. XBox does not wait for packages to be sent back, it simply sets a background procedure to kick the player off the server after a certain ammount of time passes. Unfortunately with XBOX, you have to reconfigure your router so that the XBox can connect. I dunno what the deal is, but the XBox tends to send unsolicited packages, and most routers, like my NETGEAR have to be configure before it will accept them. If you blame XBox for having all the games the other systems have, you really are just looking for an excuse to hate XBox just because they are a Microsoft product. Look, if you are blaming a system for having a diverse array of games, it's not much of an insult. And as for the games being on PC, it's easier and cheaper to buy the games on XBox, that is, to circumvent the process of upgrading the computer all the freakin' time. Anyway, I'm done, oh yeah, and Gamecube just plain sucks. Post #3: ...i'm sorry, but how is buying a radeon or voodoo3 chip cheaper than Xbox games, these chips can run for as much as $200, more than an XBox, and are REQUIRED to play these games, PC games are usually $60 XBOX games at release are usually $60, but greatest hits are $14 to $15. MOST people already have a computer, true, but MOST people don't have more than a 4 gig hard drive, or more than 256M of memory, OR more than a 600mhz processor. A decent system has at least 40gig hd, 512M of ram, minimum, and a 1.1ghz processor, not to mention a graphics card, or 3D excellerator. A good computer can run you anywhere from $800 to $1000 dollars, once again, read my full post. AND, before you respond, MOST people don't have a current or decent computer. Post #4: I'm talking what most people have, not what they can buy. the second example is the buy example. Post #5: ...I have no idea what your last statement has to do with anything I just said... Honestly, I do not believe you have read either post I just made. AND, if you did, I do not think you comprehended what I said in them. I give up, I do not agree, but I quit, this argument is far too ignorant and futile to even be a part of anymore. Yes, each system has it's merits, the PS2's ability to reduce polygon errors, and it's data stream speeds, the Gamecube with it's fast reading and built-in graphics cards (which are far more extensive than Ps2 or XBox), and the XBox with it's speed and built-in hard drive. In terms of console, XBox is probably the best, but in terms of media, it's a tossup. That's my final post on this subject. Post #6: lol, XBoxes have more powerful processors than PS2s, that and they have overflow processing, unlike the PS2, which hangs when it reaches 100% CPU. Oh, and my playstation 2, I'm using it as a stand for my XBox, so it doesn't get hair and dust in it from the carpet. Enjoy your 128bits! I will enjoy both. |
Ter13 wrote:
It wouldn;t be a very good PC, it's only got a 766 Processor, but it has the most badass graphics card of any system! That, and a massive hard drive. and you prove right there that it would make a very good PC, with two of the requirements: good graphics card and big hard-drive. 733Mhz is more than enough to use the Xbox as a desktop machine- perfect for surfing, building websites, playing games, playing movies and music, not to mention it would make a great BYOND game hosting server (which would not need fancy graphics anyway to host games). About the only thing it might need is more memory. Tons of games are available for Linux, and using VMware would allow you to use Windows programs too! :p Hmmm...Since they are so cheap now, I might just spring for one to try out Linux on it next spring... could very well turn it into another server for digitalBYOND hosting (as soon as the $%! telecom gets off their butt and fixes my telephone line). |