For those considering making an entry for the Byondscape contest, this is a list of alt-codes that will display in the DreamSeeker text mode window. I did not include the characters available on the standard keyboard. To use these codes, hold down the 'ALT' key, and type in the 4 digit code in DreamMaker.

0131 - | // Actually displays as a slightly shorter vertical line.
0146 - ’
0161 - ¡
0162 - ¢
0163 - £
0164 - ¤
0165 - ¥
0166 - ¦
0167 - §
0168 - ¨
0171 - «
0172 - ¬
0174 - ®
0175 - ¯
0176 - °
0177 - ±
0178 - ²
0179 - ³
0180 - ´
0181 - µ
0182 - ¶
0183 - ·
0184 - ¸
0185 - ¹
0186 - º
0187 - »
0188 - ¼
0189 - ½
0190 - ¾
0191 - ¿
0192 - À
0193 - Á
0194 - Â
0195 - Ã
0196 - Ä
0197 - Å
0198 - Æ
0199 - Ç
0200 - È
0203 - Ë
0204 - Ì
0205 - Í
0206 - Î
0207 - Ï
0208 - Ð
0209 - Ñ
0210 - Ò
0211 - Ó
0212 - Ô
0213 - Õ
0214 - Ö
0215 - ×
0216 - Ø
0219 - Û
0220 - Ü
0223 - ß
0224 - à
0227 - ã
0228 - ä
0231 - ç
0232 - è
0233 - é
0236 - ì
0239 - ï
0240 - ð
0243 - ó
0244 - ô
0247 - ÷
0248 - ø
0251 - û
0252 - ü

These are the ones that show up on my system, no guarantees made for anyone elses :P
Flick wrote:
For those considering making an entry for the Byondscape contest, this is a list of alt-codes that will display in the DreamSeeker text mode window.

Thanks! I was playing with text mode recently and wanted exactly this info...
<font size = +2>¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁ

This is the full list of extended characters that I have found, in text mode that work... I found it easier to open up the character map program and just use copy and paste, most of those codes don't work with my machine.
Excellent! I'll put a link to this post in the Comments section.
None of the ones listed I tried (about two of them) worked for me. =P I guess I'll just have to stick to the safe characters.

Do you mean on the map, or in the text output window? I assumed the first, but I'm just making sure.
Flick wrote:
For those considering making an entry for the Byondscape contest, this is a list of alt-codes that will display in the DreamSeeker text mode window. I did not include the characters available on the standard keyboard. To use these codes, hold down the 'ALT' key, and type in the 4 digit code in DreamMaker.

Evil! These codes don't work on ME, and (probably) not Windows 9x. :P
In response to Malver
Well, that would explain it! (I'm running Windows 98.)
In response to Crispy
well, I don't know the exact link right now, but click on HTML (help) and then fun stuff, and it's one of those. There's a lot of alt codes that I've tested and work on win98.
In response to Airjoe
using the alt codes can be tricky business... heres how its done

press and hold alt while tapping your three/four digit number, also, press the digits using the number pad on the right side of your keyboard, not the top row of numbers. For example, alt 1 7 0 = ¬ when using the keypad, but using the top row on my computer results in a bunch of dings floating from my speakers
In response to Malver
The alt codes will work in win9x. They will likely also work on ME. They don't work in DreamSeeker without a copy/paste, however. DS's macro mode traps the press of the ALT key, or something, and the characters don't appear properly.