For those considering making an entry for the Byondscape contest, this is a list of alt-codes that will display in the DreamSeeker text mode window. I did not include the characters available on the standard keyboard. To use these codes, hold down the 'ALT' key, and type in the 4 digit code in DreamMaker.
0131 - | // Actually displays as a slightly shorter vertical line.
0146 - ’
0161 - ¡
0162 - ¢
0163 - £
0164 - ¤
0165 - ¥
0166 - ¦
0167 - §
0168 - ¨
0171 - «
0172 - ¬
0174 - ®
0175 - ¯
0176 - °
0177 - ±
0178 - ²
0179 - ³
0180 - ´
0181 - µ
0182 - ¶
0183 - ·
0184 - ¸
0185 - ¹
0186 - º
0187 - »
0188 - ¼
0189 - ½
0190 - ¾
0191 - ¿
0192 - À
0193 - Á
0194 - Â
0195 - Ã
0196 - Ä
0197 - Å
0198 - Æ
0199 - Ç
0200 - È
0203 - Ë
0204 - Ì
0205 - Í
0206 - Î
0207 - Ï
0208 - Ð
0209 - Ñ
0210 - Ò
0211 - Ó
0212 - Ô
0213 - Õ
0214 - Ö
0215 - ×
0216 - Ø
0219 - Û
0220 - Ü
0223 - ß
0224 - à
0227 - ã
0228 - ä
0231 - ç
0232 - è
0233 - é
0236 - ì
0239 - ï
0240 - ð
0243 - ó
0244 - ô
0247 - ÷
0248 - ø
0251 - û
0252 - ü
These are the ones that show up on my system, no guarantees made for anyone elses :P
Jan 4 2004, 2:39 am
<font size = +2>¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁ
ÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâ</FONT> This is the full list of extended characters that I have found, in text mode that work... I found it easier to open up the character map program and just use copy and paste, most of those codes don't work with my machine. |
None of the ones listed I tried (about two of them) worked for me. =P I guess I'll just have to stick to the safe characters.
Do you mean on the map, or in the text output window? I assumed the first, but I'm just making sure. |
Flick wrote:
For those considering making an entry for the Byondscape contest, this is a list of alt-codes that will display in the DreamSeeker text mode window. I did not include the characters available on the standard keyboard. To use these codes, hold down the 'ALT' key, and type in the 4 digit code in DreamMaker. Evil! These codes don't work on ME, and (probably) not Windows 9x. :P |
In response to Malver
Well, that would explain it! (I'm running Windows 98.)
In response to Crispy
well, I don't know the exact link right now, but click on HTML (help) and then fun stuff, and it's one of those. There's a lot of alt codes that I've tested and work on win98. |
In response to Airjoe
using the alt codes can be tricky business... heres how its done
press and hold alt while tapping your three/four digit number, also, press the digits using the number pad on the right side of your keyboard, not the top row of numbers. For example, alt 1 7 0 = ¬ when using the keypad, but using the top row on my computer results in a bunch of dings floating from my speakers |
In response to Malver
The alt codes will work in win9x. They will likely also work on ME. They don't work in DreamSeeker without a copy/paste, however. DS's macro mode traps the press of the ALT key, or something, and the characters don't appear properly.
Thanks! I was playing with text mode recently and wanted exactly this info...