So, I made a background with photoshop, and I was just looking for some feedback.
Click here to take a peek at it!

Give me some constructive criticism!
I wouldn't use it.
The text seems out of place.
Firstly, thankyou for using JPEG. =) Some clueless people like to use BMP, and throttle everyone else's internet connections as a result.

I don't go for the background itself that much, but I'm not sure why. I think it's because nothing is in a logical place. Have you heard of the rule of threes or whatever it's called? It might look better if you rearranged it so it mostly lines up along horizontal and vertical thirds. That was a bad explanation, so I'll elaborate if you didn't get what I mean. =)
In response to Crispy
Erm.... what do you mean by thirds.... and rearranging...? I'll think about it a bit more when I'm awake, but could you try to explain that a bit more? =Þ

In response to Cheuq
Well, pretend the image is divided up into thirds. Like this: (cue crappy ASCII art...)
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |

If the elements of the image line up along those lines, it tends to look more structured. Don't ask me why, it just does. =)

It's the simpler, modern version of the Golden Rule that someone worked out a few centuries ago (I forget who, but someone's bound to jump in and tell me).
I don't think there's anything wrong with the arrangement you chose. My only beef is that it's pretty blurry. It makes me feel like my vision is really bad :D.
You should probably lay off the blur feature and make it more sharp. Blur is one of the most over used features in any background/banner making program. So tone down the burring and leave some stuff sharp and noticeable.