Well, first with the explaination
On creation, mobs are given effectively a stat-roll, between 1-5 for each of five base variables. While this is a simple method of doing things, and what I am currently using:
O.goal = rand(1,5)
O.finish = rand(1,5)
O.tackle = rand(1,5)
O.pass = rand(1,5)
O.rep = rand(1,5)

But since these 5 variables have a strong holding on 'ability' so to speak, I'd like a more even method of doing things.

What I'd like
What I'd like, is for the attributes to be generated from a pool of points. For example, say there are 20 (number hasn't really been decided on yet) creation points to be randomly distributed between the aforementioned 5 variables. Say, Var1 manages to roll 5, there would be 15 points left to be distributed between the remaining 4 attributes.

My problem
I could go with a rigid distribution:
Var1 would get first pick from the full pool.
Var2 then gets to take something from it.
...Var5 finally comes around, and is simply left with what remains.

I'd rather a system whereby each Variable has a chance to get first pick from the pool. Problem is, I'm not sure how to go about this random system, and an effective version of the point pool.

I appreciate any help, and grateful for any ideas.
I would say use a list and use the Pick() proc to get a random number out of it, then remove what you picked from the list and continue for var2.

Dunno if this was what u ment though.

In response to Fint
Yeah, I had looked at this aspect. But, I'm not really sure on how to go about it with the mentioned point pool system.
In response to Fliint
In response to Airjoe
None of the described methods will work very well. If you choose an order, and then give a random number to the first four, and the last gets what's left, if the first four use up the pool, the last gets 0 (not in the range) or the first four get 1 each, the last will have 16 points.

What you want is something like this:
var/list/stats = list(1,2,3,4,5)
while(points > 0)
//Increase the first stat by 1
//If the first stat is over the max
//Remove 1 from the list
In response to Garthor
I went for the system you suggested Garthor, and it seems to work just as I want it to at the moment; Thanks. Sure, the code is a little messy at the moment, but it's something that can be worked on.

All in all, thanks for the help everyone.