You know in middle school/high school/college, they had ranks like Athelete, Nerd, Prep, Idiot, Dork, Geek, Loner ..etc.
Which one are YOU?
I'm a Nerd-Loner Combo...
I'm assuming most byonders are also Nerds/Loners..but this is just a don't get mad at me, all you others!
![]() Feb 10 2004, 2:22 pm
![]() Feb 10 2004, 2:38 pm
I'm a happy-geek-hardtoclassify-relativelypopular-kinda guy. :)
Well, I'm an athlete, but I'm also not what you'd call genious, but, I'm also not what one would call sss-st-st...stupid (I do football/track and DID wrestling for a little while)!
FireEmblem wrote:
You know in middle school/high school/college, they had ranks like Athelete, Nerd, Prep, Idiot, Dork, Geek, Loner ..etc. Those aren't ranks; they're labels. Calling them ranks is just taking the childishness of school labels and dumbing it down with a hierarchy that assumes any of the above are better than the others. So me, I'm the guy who's above using those labels. Or if you prefer a one-word summary: Adult. Lummox JR |
I was everything at my old school, but now I'm a loser, loner, nerd, wana be.........before I was EVERYTHING
I'm kinda the mid-popular almost loser nerdy guy of the group. I, personally, like to refer to this 'group' or 'label' or 'whatever' as a Squid. Because... We have... Tentacles... And stuff... Yeah.
When I was in school I was generally popular, but I didn't have one specfic group I'd hang out with; I hung out with anyone I found interesting. That was years ago, but I'm still generally popular.
Lummox JR wrote:
FireEmblem wrote: Thank you Lummox. I have always felt cliqs and things like this were nothing but a way to hurt other people, and make them feel bad. I am also above that. Im friends with everyone, and I hate it when someone says like "I hate those preps" or something like that. Life would be alot better if more people had this train of thought |
I'm the guy who never knew what any of those titles, ranks or labels meant, and never really cared either.
I have an interesting story about high-school classification. It's interesting to me, at least, so if you don't like it,
My alma mater, Medina High School, had a traditional Junior/Senior Banquet. It was a dinner at which the Juniors (11th graders, for the benefit of BYONDers who use Metric grade levels) would put on a good-natured skit depicting the Seniors (12th graders). Well, when I was a Junior, it happened that some of my classmates got a little rambunctious in their portrayal of the Seniors, so the school administration forbade the Banquet for the next year. So a fellow named Doug T. (a nice fellow who rode my school bus and who was, apparently, much more creative and ornery than I'd anticipated) assembled a task force to come up with something that would take the place of the horrendously cruel and funny skits that had been the mainstay of past graduation rituals. His idea was to compile a long list of songs that were well-known to the graduating class, and associate the titles with various people in the class. (I don't have the list handy, but I imagine most of the "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" soundtrack appears on it.) So anyway, it was fun, for those of us who weren't the butt of utterly cruel jokes. There were some poor bastards who were associated with "Ooh That Smell," and that was just the tip of the iceberg. The whole list was the type of callously nasty (but often quite funny) slander you'd expect from a committee of high-schoolers tasked with humiliating their peers. And where do I come in? By some miracle, I got off easy. My song was Cyndi Lauper's "He's So Unusual." As it happened, I liked Cyndi Lauper, and in fact loved the "She's So Unusual" album, despite the fact that she'd shocked America (or at least my parents) on her guest spot on "The New Show"; I liked the era that spawned the song (first appeared in 1929); and in all truth, the song pretty well mirrored my actual experience, what with the guy who was better at scholarship than courtship, and all that stuff. And it amused me to see that although people realized I was unusual, they had no idea that one day I would take over the Earth. Well, that's enough reminiscing for tonight. Maybe some other time I'll tell you about my clever "butterfly ballot" design for the Florida Elections Commission. [Edit: changed 'gaduation' to 'graduation' and changed 'ruler of the universe' to 'me'] |
I'm the guy who hates labels.
I am a nerd, though. Not necessarily in a negative way. =) |
we didn't use labels all that much- too busy making fun of each other behind each others backs!
i'd say i was athelete-geek - I played soccer, ran on the cross-country team for a bit, chess-club, drama-club (doing mostly the tech stuff- lighting, props, sound effects, video), and hung out with friends at clubs, movie theaters, video game centers, and played guitar in a wanna-be band. of course i'm talking 20 years ago too... |
i'm the guy who hates labels and hangs out with everybody. if u wanna get down to labels, i hang out with the preppiest kids in school and some of the geekiest kids on school. its not about labels its about who you are, not the money you have, like the entire 'label system' is based on. i guess if i were to label myself id be a punk, cause i'm always starting crap with my teachers n stuff. :shrug:
Daniel |
Was 'labelled' a geek in 5th grade or so, but still hung out with the guys who were considered cool, funny, all that stuff.
Got called the School's PartyMan two weeks ago by the Commitee(sp?) that is in charge of organizing school parties and charity parties, of which im a member. But that's not really a label, just an "Ask him if you need a place to go" thing. Never been much of a fan of *labels, never took much notice of them. I like who I like because of who they are, not who they associate themselves with nor what others think of them. And honestly, neither has anyone I know well or see often. * Although I do enjoy chanting "Monkeyboy" at my cousin along with the rest of the staff at Club La Sita as he dances solo on the stage with an umbrella and a long scarf in blitz-light, until the bouncers throw him in the trash can after work. |
My high school was built in 2003, with Palm handhelds and brand-new computers at its disposal
Naturally, every nerd from the entire distrcit transferred to my school. The schoolboard is now enforcing stricter transfer policies because the leading local high school lost over 30% of its population to mine. ~Kujila |