![]() Feb 11 2004, 7:34 am
Is there a reason in which my Repop() code will kill my other running procs? Because I have my battle system, and I'm in the middle of killing some monsters, and when Repop is recalled, by Battle will just die suddenly. I know its the Repop() code becuase monsters always appear right after my battle just dies suddenly. I've confirmed it with many people who have had this problem and saw monsters coming at the same time. Anyone that can help please do!
![]() Feb 11 2004, 8:35 am
Make a spawner that well actually spawn monsters at differend times, after they die. I meen, repop(), i never used it but its so ugly when all of the sudden 100 monsters repop in the world. This aint really a answer but just think og it, why not just make a nice spawner. Game quality go's up and you get rid of the repop problem . .
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no need for extra objs ;) |
Thats not the problem! The problem is that when I repop, it instantly kills my Battle procs already in progress, heres my Repop code: Please tell me how to fix it from killing my other procs
world/New() |