![]() Feb 13 2004, 1:52 pm
In response to OneFishDown
Lumber Jacking (for cutting trees down) is not for pleasure. Its to get logs which can be used to make items like wooden armor and other wooden things...
Why does everyone have to defend Seika by insulting Mystic Journey? Isn't that a little immature...come on now. Let's not sink down to the level of others.
Aaiko wrote:
Lumber Jacking (for cutting trees down) is not for pleasure. Obviously. But why would anyone want to play a game if not for pleasure? |
Aaiko wrote:
Lumber Jacking (for cutting trees down) is not for pleasure. Ironically, pleasure is what I play games for =P. Its to get logs which can be used to make items like wooden armor and other wooden things... If you have to do something boring (lumber jacking) to do something more rewarding (making armor), then I'd probably lose interest in the game before I was done with the lumber jacking. "MMORPG" type games just aren't my kind of game. |
OneFishDown wrote:
If you have to do something boring (lumber jacking) to do something more rewarding (making armor), then I'd probably lose interest in the game before I was done with the lumber jacking. "MMORPG" type games just aren't my kind of game. Along those lines, I don't know of any single player RPGs that require you to spend time at boring activities in order to do something fun. Why do online RPGs require it? |
Reminds me of those Cable VS Dish commercials.
Dish commercials rant on about cable rate hikes, poor reception, and lack of channels. Cable commercials complain about dish installation fees, poor reception, and general troublesomeness. Just like politicians. Sad sad world we live in. |
I gave Seika a 5-10 minute tour and quit when I entered a cave full of monsters that just sat around waiting to be attacked.
Absolutely nothing is wrong, if you see a problem with it.. cry me a river. I guess it could be a bit complicated for those not used to BYOND or just starting,, but those list of skills is what makes the game intresting, i mean you can do just 1 thing and be the best on on the game. neh? Anywyas, whatever your problem with the game is get over it, there's plenty of games nobody likes but they don't talk trash about them except for the stupid people.
To clarify things...I am not in anyway leaning towards the Mystic Journey side. I am just saying the immaturity of the "MJ sux, dude! Play Seika!," or whatever, is...just that. Immature. We do not need to rag on another game just to make Seika look better. I think that much is obvious. But if asked to pick a side, I would stand by Seika, despite my relationship with Aaiko. Seika is a enjoyable game with original features, and I think the only problem area it has is the reliability of the servers...which for some, is not their fault; others...another story.
Okay.. I also have to say that the point of the game is to be in a fantasy world.. You can do that on both games, true... But to me Seika gives it a more.. fantisful/real-life feel, the way I think another dimension would be.. I mean yea, most people do want a game to let them "Escape" from reality.. But come on people if you think about it.. In another dimension your not gonna be able to snap your fingers and get what you want.. You've gotta work for it.. You always will.. So, therefore I like this game not just because it's fun, but because it's an "Escape" from reality, but in the same sense.. it shows the real essence of life everywhere.. YOU CAN'T JUST GET WHAT YOU WANT WITHOUT ANY WORK!!!!
~Chibi Goku |
Don't downtalk Seika like that. Seika is a non-rip, completely original game. Seika is the greatest BYOND game out there. Soon Seika II is coming out and I think it will be a long time before anyone can compare to either of these games. The point of a game with skills for each weapon makes the game more complicated, yeah you only have to hit the attack macro, but what game dont you do that in? Especially on BYOND. Aaiko added the entire skill system cause he probably knew that only an attack macro would be too simple. The point of the skills are to make the game harder than a simple, hack-and-slash game. MJ is not a fun game. You played Seika for 40 mins, probably only getting to the point of level 10 or so and it seemed as tho it was like MJ. There is much more to Seika than MJ will ever have, oh and by the way, if MJ is so much better than Seika, why did Gunbuddy steal Aaiko's coding?
ChibiGoku04 wrote:
YOU CAN'T JUST GET WHAT YOU WANT WITHOUT ANY WORK!!!! Sure you can, that's what games are for. |
Alidius wrote:
Don't downtalk Seika like that. Seika is a non-rip, completely original game. Seika is the greatest BYOND game out there. Soon Seika II is coming out and I think it will be a long time before anyone can compare to either of these games. The point of a game with skills for each weapon makes the game more complicated, yeah you only have to hit the attack macro, but what game dont you do that in? Especially on BYOND. Aaiko added the entire skill system cause he probably knew that only an attack macro would be too simple. The point of the skills are to make the game harder than a simple, hack-and-slash game. MJ is not a fun game. You played Seika for 40 mins, probably only getting to the point of level 10 or so and it seemed as tho it was like MJ. There is much more to Seika than MJ will ever have, oh and by the way, if MJ is so much better than Seika, why did Gunbuddy steal Aaiko's coding? I've never really played either. But, it seems to me that this is just going to turn into a gigantic (or rather, larger) flame war. I strongly urge an Admin to close/delete what ever to this thread before it wastes more space. |
hmm, ok look, ive read everyone post so far, what makes me mad is i see peope who talk about "boring things". well, now tell us all, how long did you spend doing that? what made you think that it was a good idea? i will tell you now if you sat down and played seika and got some good friends that work, youd be hooked by the time you logged out. The boring things you people did im taking you spend 5 mins doing and thought the game was about that, well if you did your a fool, i will tell you i mastered that game in about a year of playing, in under 3 hours i got to level 55 and i had fun doing it, i spent 2 hours on mj and couldnt get outside a gate, maybe im just a terrible player, i dont know, but what i do know is seika is alot friendlier, moderated by respectable staff, and has made a nice place in byond, i dont know how you all will respond, but i dont care, all i ask is next time you talk about a game, do more then cut wood, go out, make a few friends, and go kill the newbie cave npcs that wont attack you, lvl some, and build up in the ranks, after you level, then you can start workin on the extra stuff, i dunno about you but i dont ratea resturant by its appatizers before tryin the main course. thank you for your time, i hope i have influenced your thinking of seika, thanks bye.
Foomer wrote:
Along those lines, I don't know of any single player RPGs that require you to spend time at boring activities in order to do something fun. Why do online RPGs require it? In most Rpg's I liked you had to do some serious training in order to reach the level needed to beat a boss, ect. Walking around finding random monsters and killing them dosn't seem too appealing to me. Yet in the end I was satisfied at the fact that I've gotten farther in the game. An example of a game(s) like that might be the pokemon series or dragon warrior monster. |