Along those lines, I don't know of any single player RPGs that require you to spend time at boring activities in order to do something fun.
Harvest Moon. But people love it, go figure.
Along those lines, I don't know of any single player RPGs that require you to spend time at boring activities in order to do something fun. Harvest Moon. But people love it, go figure. | wrote:
Harvest Moon. But people love it, go figure. With games like Harvest Moon, there's a storyline. You're also not forced to farm the *entire* day. You can also go and do other stuff in other places, like the wilderness area, or the town area. |
Hedgemistress wrote:
He didn't assume things and leave. He left because of something he found: monsters sitting there, waiting to be attacked. He doesn't like games that contain those things, so he left. Where's the assumption? Actually...that is an assumption. He assumed that all monsters sit there; in reality, they don't. |
Ok, I stopped a couple sentances in there, because your post was extremely hard to read. But what I got out of what I read was the fact that you need freinds to have fun in it...which means its a social game, with no real content in itself. You just afirmed half the posts here, all of which you said you were mad at.
No, see it wasn't that he assumed that all the monsters did it, it's that he seen that these particular monsters did it. He didn't like that part of the game, and it was enough to turn him off the entire game.
Also this "Play it for a day then you'll like it" stuff just doesn't float. If you know the game is bad for the first two hours, then work on making it better during those two hours. Smoking is bad, but smoke long enough and you wont be able to stop. Does that make smoking good? I don't like games where I have to sit through mindnumbing boredom before I have any idea whether I'll like it or not. If I have to play for that long, then I'm just forcing myself to like it. I also don't like the crowd that play. I don't have anything against them, they just aren't my sort of people. Those are the two main reasons I don't play Seika. Anyway, I don't think Seika is that good. I'm not saying that because I personally don't like the game, I'm saying that because it isn't that great. It's great because it is sitting on a shelf filled with 99% pure garbage. Seika is where the BYOND standard should be. |
When and where did he say that? YOU are assuming that he assumed. He left because he found a cave full of monsters that just sat there, that's what he said. Frankly, if that was one of the first things I found in what's supposed to be a detailed and complex RPG, I'd leave the game, too. It's cheap and sloppy... and who cares if the game is only cheap and sloppy in certain parts? That's kind of what sloppiness is.
Sometimes, I wish BYOND players would act a little over that than trying to degrade or insult others...but I guess that's how the majority of the world works. Thank goodness for Karma. And no, this isn't an attack at whoever wrote the message I am replying to...just anyone who has the lack of self esteem to behave as they do, by putting others down for sheer pleasure of feeling more adequate. Again, I say...thank goodness for Karma.
Okay. Let's do a reality check.
Anyone who disagrees with you, you assume they're just insulting you for the sake of degrading you. AND Anyone who does so is doing so because they have low self-esteem. And you want to sit here and talk about other people making assumptions? Okay. You'd better pray there isn't karma, or else you're probably due for a big cosmic slap. |
Okay. Let's do a reality check.
Anyone who disagrees with you, you assume they're just insulting you for the sake of degrading you. AND Anyone who does so is doing so because they have low self-esteem. And you want to sit here and talk about other people making assumptions? Okay. You'd better pray there isn't karma, or else you're probably due for a big cosmic slap. I said nothing about disagreeing with me... |
Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to act stupid, as you say, just correcting you in a friendly way. I'm not a he...I apologize.
Oh, er, I'm sorry. I should have used a non-gender specific pronoun. Your name doesn't exactly make it obvious.
Yeah, yeah, don't worry...I get it a lot. Most people know now, probably only due to the fact that I'm engaged to Aaiko. I just thought the content of my posts made it obvious. :/
All anyone has done was disagree with you, so we've all assumed when you refere to us degrading you are over reacting to us disagreeing with you.
DarkView wrote:
All anyone has done was disagree with you, so we've all assumed when you refere to us degrading you are over reacting to us disagreeing with you. Oh, I'm misunderstood me. I wasn't talking about anyone degrading or disagreeing with me, really. I was talking about what a large percentage of the posts on this thread were doing. |
I've never played Seika, but if that's the best way you can come up with to deal with issues of lag and monsters instantly slaughtering newbies, I probably never will.