Anyone know any good webhosting services for free and no ads? i used to use brinkster, but now that more people use it they have a bunch of annoying ads like geocities so could anyone point me to a good webhost :D? Thanks in advance.
Mar 20 2004, 10:06 am
Mar 20 2004, 11:05 am
Doubltful, I havent found one in a long time, but back in the day was good, havent went there in a while though
In response to Scoobert
Probably because, you know, proving free bandwidth isn't exactly a great business strategy.
In response to Garthor
Despite your cynical world view, Garthor, some people have this personality trait called "nice". Get someone to explain the concept to you sometime.
In response to Crispy
not our fault garthor has something stuck up you know where :)
In response to Crispy
Being nice to strangers at extreme cost to yourself with nothing but constant whining about your slow hosting service... yeah, sounds like a grand ol' time.
In response to Garthor
whining about your slow hosting service i wasnt whining, and im sure everyone in the forums are tired of your sarcasim :) |
In response to XzDoG
No, Garthor is right, free hosting costs the host money, so as a return, they put ads up, it has goten out of hand though, now free hosts are rarly worth it.
In response to XzDoG
And I'm sure everyone on the forums is tired of your constant lazy attitude and constant lack of correct spelling. But I'm not whining.
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel, this doesnt concern you, please go jump off a cliff,thanks!
In response to XzDoG
I take it my statement flew right past you.
In response to Jotdaniel
2 Words
In response to XzDoG
That would be 5 words.
You fail at life. |
In response to Garthor
with the '2 words' then the picture its 4, you miscounted, you fail also :)
In response to XzDoG
XzDoG wrote:
thats 2 words.......... with '2words' then the picture its 4, you miscounted, you fail also :) lol stfu is not a "word" persay. It's more of an acronym. |
In response to Jon88
An acronym for 4 words. That plus "newbie" makes 5.
In response to Garthor
sigh lol always so technical -_-
In response to XzDoG
sigh lol always so annoying -_-
In response to Garthor
This is getting off topic... so bring it back on topic or..
In response to XzDoG
Hey, thats mine, I didn't say you could use it...Ok, I really don't care that you used it, but you said this was none of jots bis. But this is a public forum, anything said here is public and thus it is everyones bis.