Recently, a file somehow got corrupted on my computer. So I leave it on, intending to call the local computer shop. I go downstairs, eat dinner, do usual stuff, you know. I go back upstairs, finding my brother has used it. He shut it off.
I try to turn it on, but, it loads past the Windows XP screen, flashes blue with white text, and promptly restarts. I take a really fast photo of the blue screen, and find (on another computer) that it is a registry error. Easily fixed with the Emergency Repair Disk. One problem though.
I have no floppy drive.
After scouring the internet for possible solutions, we conclude that we'll reinstall Windows XP hoping it'll fix the errors. All my personal settings are wiped, but I still have my BYOND source codes. So I try to play a game. The registry is gone! So all but a few of my games don't work. And when I unistall alot of the games, yet I am missing 40 gigabytes of storage.
So, I ask you: Would it just be better to format the computer, and start from scratch? Of course, making backups, etc.
Tiko, in dire need of help.
[EDIT] Changed Memory to storage[/EDIT]
![]() Apr 23 2004, 8:49 pm (Edited on Apr 24 2004, 7:13 am)
![]() Apr 23 2004, 9:44 pm
You could try finding another floppy drive and putting it in, and if you cant you could try booting it from the CD drive to install windows, and if that fails you probably gunna have to try and back up your important files and format your comp
I agree, you could just put another floppy drive in. Your BIOS should automatically pick up the new drive.
He doesn't have a floppy drive to start with. If he gets a floppy drive, he can use the recovery disk.
You can't get a floppy with a registry error, unless you let up a few hundred and let a bunch of "professionals" "TRY" to do it.
I say back the important things up and reformat like you never have before. |
Tiko wrote:
<font color=red>I have no floppy drive.</font> Silly of you. =P Those who say the floppy drive was obsolete 6 years ago are wrong, I tell you! WRONG! COMPLETELY WRONG! *runs in terror from Mike H* Seriously though... your computer = screwed. Back up what you need and reformat, reformat, reformat. And desperately hope that it fixes most of your problems. :-) |
Tiko wrote:
Recently, a file somehow got corrupted on my computer. So I leave it on, intending to call the local computer shop. I go downstairs, eat dinner, do usual stuff, you know. I go back upstairs, finding my brother has used it. He shut it off. Screw formatting; you need to slap your brother around. I try to turn it on, but, it loads past the Windows XP screen, flashes blue with white text, and promptly restarts. I take a really fast photo of the blue screen, and find (on another computer) that it is a registry error. Easily fixed with the Emergency Repair Disk. One problem though. Then you probably also have no emergency repair disk. However those things can be done with CD-R's as well. After scouring the internet for possible solutions, we conclude that we'll reinstall Windows XP hoping it'll fix the errors. All my personal settings are wiped, but I still have my BYOND source codes. So I try to play a game. The registry is gone! So all but a few of my games don't work. And when I unistall alot of the games, yet I am missing 40 gigabytes of memory. Actually that'd be storage, since almost nobody has 40 gigabytes of memory. So, I ask you: Would it just be better to format the computer, and start from scratch? Of course, making backups, etc. Since you got WinXP successfully reinstalled, I think what you really need to do is run a good disk diagnostics program to discover what's really on your hard drive. I'd recommend using Norton Utilities for this, which has a better reputation than Microsoft's bare-bones tools. It's worth the price (which isn't that high) if it'll save you from having to do a reinstall and fixing everything from backups all over again. Lummox JR |
After scouring the internet for possible solutions, we conclude that we'll reinstall Windows XP hoping it'll fix the errors. All my personal settings are wiped, but I still have my BYOND source codes. So I try to play a game. The registry is gone! So all but a few of my games don't work. And when I unistall alot of the games, yet I am missing 40 gigabytes of memory. I have 160, and another tower with 40? ^^; |
Jesus christ... how much did those cost? I'de say $100,000 at least... the most memory I've ever heard of is 56gigs in an IBM server. What could you possibly need that much memory for? Unless of course you meant storage... like Lummoux said... :)
Acutally, it was a tower, it only cost about 769 with tax and everything.
I just know where to buy and what to buy, unlike you ^^;. |
lmao do you not get it? There is a difference between
memory: and storage: dead%20hard%20drive.jpg :) |
Karasu Kami wrote:
You can't get a floppy with a registry error, unless you let up a few hundred and let a bunch of "professionals" "TRY" to do it. What does a registry error have to do with using a floppy drive to boot the computer with a recovery disk? |
Lummox JR wrote:
Then you probably also have no emergency repair disk. However those things can be done with CD-R's as well. In fact the Windows XP installation CD itself has an option to start up the recovery console. |
Karasu Kami wrote:
And? I can call it what i want, i don't need to be perfectly correct. Person 1: Here, have this 100 dollar bill. Person 2: Thanks! Person 2: Hey, this is just an old, smelly sock! |