UpdateExp(mob/M) var/varLeft = new/obj/ExpBar varLeft:icon_state = "Left" varLeft:screen_loc = "11,15" M.client.screen += varLeft var/varExp1 = new/obj/ExpBar varExp1:icon_state = "12" varExp1:screen_loc = "12,15" M.client.screen += varExp1 var/varExp2 = new/obj/ExpBar varExp2:icon_state = "0" varExp2:screen_loc = "13,15" M.client.screen += varExp2 var/varExp3 = new/obj/ExpBar varExp3:icon_state = "0" varExp3:screen_loc = "14,15" M.client.screen += varExp3 var/varRight = new/obj/ExpBar varRight:icon_state = "Right" varRight:screen_loc = "15,15" M.client.screen += varRight
That's what I have so far. I'd like to have it so that it spreads over 3 bars. I only added in the icon_state part so i could view it. If anybody would mind finishing this off for me I'd greatly appreciate it.
I'm assuming that you'll know what to do from there, if you don't, come back and explain what doesn't work and, I'll help you some more.