(any game which doesn't stack objects reasonably just sucks)
Drawn from the discussion in "Why a money var"...
Im mildly curious about others handling of stacking. As I see it, there are several things you can do, to either simulate or do actual stacking.
Simulating stacking would be to simply show items as stacked, if multiple are found in the same spot.
Actual stacking involves keeping track of how many of the obj the obj actually is, and cloning it when dropping and such.
Both have their advantages, and are practical in different areas I suppose. Where you may run into problems with #2(Actual stacking), is with items that have roughly the same properties but not quite. Two Bone Wand of Cindering, for example, each with a different amount of charges.
To keep game integrety, #2 is not practical here, unless you want to keep another list for differential info amongst the same object.
For things like coinage, #2 is very practical, however. There's no need (usually) to make a distinction between two gold coins, pennies, oompabows or whatever currency you are using.
Which brings up another point. When differential info DOES occur amongst the same object, do you stop stacking them, or stack them and force the player to scurry through the different obj's to check which one is the one with a different amount of charges? (He would have to do that anyway, but this way its easier to spot which one has a varied amount. Here's an example).
You are carrying the following items:
Bone Wand of Cindering,
4 Bone Wand of Cindering,
200 gold coins,
50 copper coins,
2 Manisi herb,
Sword of Ethereal Energy,
2 Copper Hammer of Striking
This assumes that since the first(top) Bone Wand of Cindering has a differing amount of charges from the 4 others, it occupies its own place in your inventory. NOT using this idea, it would look as follows:
You are carrying the following items:
5 Bone Wand of Cindering,
200 gold coins,
50 copper coins,
2 Manisi herb,
Sword of Ethereal Energy,
2 Copper Hammer of Striking