Ever since that honest lawyer came to town. People came worldwide to see it. He lies less then 50% of the time. I never thought such a thing could happen.
"SPUZZUM's" cause was to rid the world of all imposter Havens in one stroke - a MMORPG, also called "Haven." I ran into some glitches, however, with a procrastination bug that I find impossible to fix."
Umm, I don't quite get the point of that post. If you notice when he is stream lining the word it is not spelt right.
He lays it out and spells it like this: S P U Z Z M Missing the U near the end, not that it is a big deal, but it does defeat the purpouse of defining all the letters. |
When forming acronyms sometimes extra letters are added that dont have a real meaning, just to make the word easy to remember, navy SEALs for example. It stands for Sea Air Land, nothing for the E, but they added it just to make the word pretty.
Jotdaniel wrote:
When forming acronyms sometimes extra letters are added that dont have a real meaning, just to make the word easy to remember, navy SEALs for example. It stands for Sea Air Land, nothing for the E, but they added it just to make the word pretty. Quite a few acronyms use more than one letter of one or more words, so it's most likely SEa, Air, Land. ~>Volte |
huh? since when is doing things the right way a loop hole?