Eh, I can't figure out how to jump z planes. So like maybe yall can help me on this
I meant, like Jump from z 1 to z 2 >.< Eh, But i can't figure it out and hoping you all can help me with this.
In response to WickedlyAndy
look up locate in the refrence (f1 in Dreamaker)
In response to WickedlyAndy
WickedlyAndy wrote:
I meant, like Jump from z 1 to z 2 >.< Eh, But i can't figure it out and hoping you all can help me with this.

Use locate(). For example, if you want to go to any level you can create a leveljump verb:
mob/verb/leveljump(level as num)
var/turf/T = locate(src.x, src.y, level)

Note that this is not safe in any way, so remember to test the level var for a valid range if you use this concept.
