I've got a lame shop or two in my game, and I was wondering... how would I assign infinite cash to the moderators? I imagine this has to be done through an error or intentional oversight in a mathematical equation, but how?
Enigmaster2002 wrote:
I've got a lame shop or two in my game, and I was wondering... how would I assign infinite cash to the moderators? I imagine this has to be done through an error or intentional oversight in a mathematical equation, but how?

You're asking the wrong question. What you should be asking is how to avoid using cash at all for certain characters. The answer is simple: Put in code to bypass cash requirements for moderators during buying.

Lummox JR
You could make an if statement that checks your key and then just do gold + 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000... or something

-If you are confused by that just disregard it...

-This way is easier than avoiding paying, but I can't explain or teach very good. Sorry... =/
In response to Lummox JR
I thought of doing that, but I figured maybe I could find the lazy way out and assign infinite cash.
In response to Enigmaster2002
I usually use a ripped edit verb and just edit my gold amount... And you replied pretty fasy. I watch these forums from time to time when im at school and really bored.

You could give each mob a price_multiplier var, and multiply the price of an object by it every time you buy something, charging the modified price. This way, you can give players rewards, curses etc., but set it to 0 for moderators so that the price is multiplied by 0.