In response to Jotdaniel
whoo! length of a hypotenuse, that was the formulat to figure out that the cars were 20mi. apart! Good going!
Heh, I'm bored and I want to see if it will actually insult someone with a low IQ...

Try to get all the answers wrong, see what it tells you.

Post your low scores in here.

By the way, sorry for posting so much in rapid succession, but I'm kind of bored.
In response to Ter13
I got 72 Inventive Inquisitor. :\
In response to Ter13
Im not sure if your being sarcastic, or just an asshole.
In response to Ter13
I took one of these once. It said I was 140. Then I tried it later just randomly entering answers. 140. Tried it again and purposely got everything wrong. 140. I think some of them are just designed to make you feel good. There are an awful lot of 130+ people around here, and this doesn't exactly strike me as a community full of geniuses. :P

Does being able to program give you an automatic 20 points on the IQ test?
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
I took one of these once. It said I was 140. Then I tried it later just randomly entering answers. 140. Tried it again and purposely got everything wrong. 140. I think some of them are just designed to make you feel good. There are an awful lot of 130+ people around here, and this doesn't exactly strike me as a community full of geniuses. :P

Does being able to program give you an automatic 20 points on the IQ test?

It's not as if IQ tests actually mean anything important, anyways.
In response to Foomer
Or it uses cookies and was remembering your old score. I answered all A and got like 40 or something, which probiblity speaking, It makes sense.
In response to Jon88
That's what people who score badly on IQ tests say.
Congratulations, Joe!
Your IQ score is 126

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

Not bad for a near 14 year old, ya think?
In response to Airjoe
Airjoe wrote:
Not bad for a near 14 year old, ya think?

IQ is based on your age group. So, even if you got an IQ of 126, you're not essentially smarter than someone who's 5 years older with an IQ of 100.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
I took one of these once. It said I was 140. Then I tried it later just randomly entering answers. 140. Tried it again and purposely got everything wrong. 140. I think some of them are just designed to make you feel good. There are an awful lot of 130+ people around here, and this doesn't exactly strike me as a community full of geniuses. :P

Does being able to program give you an automatic 20 points on the IQ test?

If so, none of those posters would have received the points...

Personally, I think IQ tests are really good at measuring your ability to take IQ tests. I am a pretty intelligent guy, and have always been quite good at taking tests, however, I don't think that really means squat. Well, I suppose it does mean I have more potential to excel in the types of things that IQ tests measure, but it in no way means that I will do so.

I know many people, friends and former classmates, who are far more successfull than I, but who I am positive would register an IQ score much lower than my own. The difference is, they aren't scatter-brained, procastinating bums like I am. :P Focus and determination are far more relevant to your level of professional success than your IQ rating.

And of course, there is always the question of why the ability to understand the pythagorean theorem should be considered more valuable than the ability to capture the essence of a moment in a painting. Or to positively influence the development of an underprivledged child. Or any of the millions of other activities that have absolutely nothing to do with pattern recognition.

In response to Goku72
The problem with it being based on age like that is just what you said. They gear the test towards more educated people, therefore making it a test of what you have learned, instead of how well you can figure things out. Your IQ never changes, why would there be a differeing scale?
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
That's what people who score badly on IQ tests say.

Are you agreeing with me, disagreeing with me, or simply trolling, as I suspect?
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
Are you agreeing with me, disagreeing with me, or simply trolling, as I suspect?

Its more commonly refered to by forum mods as "Garthorism".
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Jon88 wrote:
Are you agreeing with me, disagreeing with me, or simply trolling, as I suspect?

Its more commonly refered to by forum mods as "Garthorism".

Is that the same as Marxism, or Communism?
In response to Goku72
Goku72 wrote:
Is that the same as Marxism, or Communism?

Not exactly. The difference is, Garthorism ALWAYS works as intended. ;-)
Kunark wrote:
Here are some Ph.D. certified tests from tickle on IQ. You have to sign up for an account, but it's not too much work to do that. They are good tests that use the IQ formula to calculate your IQ (Well, one of them doesn't give an IQ number, but answers correct/wrong instead.).

I would like to hear other people's scores on this!

They are similar, but different (if that makes sense) tests:

My score on this one: 24/30 questions right

Here is the IQ number giving test:

My IQ based on this test: 131

In both tests, my strongest point was recognizing patterns, especially image patterns.

you answered 22 out of 30 questions correctly!

Congratulations! Your score is in the 87th percentile. This means that if one hundred people took the test with you, your score would rank higher than 86 of them on average.

When we analyzed your test, we also discovered that when it comes to pattern recognition ability, you measure in the 70th percentile. This score indicates you have unusually strong abilities when it comes to detecting the underlying pattern in any situation, whether that pattern is in numbers, shapes, or words. You have a knack for digging underneath the surface confusion to find something coherent and useful to solve many problems.
That's my score.
In response to Jotdaniel
Your IQ never changes, why would there be a differeing scale?

There are plenty of ways to reduce it :).
On the IQ test,

Congratulations, john!
Your IQ score is 117

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Precision Processor. This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick solutions to problems, especially ones that involve math or logic. You're also resourceful and able to think on your feet. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

Just asking,would that be a good score for a 12 year old?
118, not bad for a 14 year old doing this in the bathroom (Hooray laptop!)
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