I try to make a map and when i do this little message pops up:due to complecation errors, this map can not be generated.Then "another" pops up saying:unable to read map.dmp!

Any help would be helpful:)Thanks for atleast looking!
try compiling in one of the .dm files and see the error, sometimes if you just changed a icon path


then make it after you put that icon on the map you change the coding of that to

<tab> blah

but you didnt add it, instead you just altered the original code. ...Maybe you understand this cuz after reading it im still confused but this should help
That's caused by compile errors. Compile your game and fix any errors before trying to edit the map.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Heh, Nightwing. Well, what he was trying to say is that...Lets say theres a mob.
icon = 'Dude.dmi'
Then we put him on the map! But then, we go back into the coding and alter that thing right there. We change it to:
icon = 'Dude.dmi'
Now we've changed it to a Dude2! There is no such thing as Dude, so the map gets an error. Double click that error, double click the thing that says 'Dude' and then erase it with backspace. Choose ok, and it should work.
In response to Zaole
That's a different problem. The error message for that goes something like "the object tree cannot be trusted for map generation". The error he's getting is different. =)
In response to Zaole
heh, yea it was early i was tired...words werent coming out right
In response to Crispy
haha, just like two words can change the whole meaning of an error