Well I have gotten DarkView to make me up a little website for my dad to put poems.I am still creating it so no poems are up yet.But when I tried to see even if the poem coding he gave me worked.It doesnt show up.Ill show you the coding to poem1 then give you a link to my dads website on the poem1 html file.


<!-- To create a new poem page. Just follow the three steps.-->

<!-- STEP 1:
Change "Poem Name" on the next line to the name of your poem.-->
<head><title>Saint's Poem Page ~ Poem Name</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="layoutStyleSheet.css" />

<!--#include virtual="layoutHeader.html" -->
<!-- STEP 2:
Change "My Poem's Name" to the name of your poem.-->
Poem Name Here</h2>
<br />
<br />
<div align="center">
<!-- STEP 3:
Place your poem between <poem> and </poem> lines.
Don't forget to change "My Poem's Name" and "Poem Name" as well.-->
Poem~by Saint


<!--#include virtual="layoutFooter.html" -->

<!--Dont Forget to put a link to the new poem in layoutNav.html-->

Ok that's the poem1.html file coding now heres the website.

Can anyone see a problem with the code to why the words"Poem~by Saint" don't show up on the poem1.html page?It also happens to the other 5 pages I tried to make it work on.Well if you can help me please cause I would appreciate it alot.Thanks!

Because that isn't the source to that page. Try reuploading the html file.
In response to Flick
Flick wrote:
Because that isn't the source to that page.
What do you mean by that?

Try reuploading the html file.
I have already.
In response to DBThunderProduction
DBThunderProduction wrote:
Flick wrote:
Because that isn't the source to that page.
What do you mean by that?
This is what I get when I 'View Source' for the page That is not the same as what you showed in your original post.


<!-- To create a new poem page. Just follow the three steps.-->

<!-- STEP 1:
Change "Poem Name" on the next line to the name of your poem.-->
<head><title>Saint's Poem Page ~ Poem Name</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="layoutStyleSheet.css" />

<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<td class="titleCell" colspan="2" height="150"><h1 class="titleCell">Saint's Poem Page</h1></td>
<td class="navigationCell" valign="top" align="center" width="150">

<br />
Poems<br />
<br />
<a HREF="poem1.html">Poem1</a><br />
<a HREF="poem2.html">Poem2</a><br />
<a HREF="poem3.html">Poem3</a><br />

<a HREF="poem4.html">Poem4</a><br />
<a HREF="poem5.html">Poem5</a><br />
<a HREF="poem6.html">Poem6</a>

<td class="contentCell" valign="top">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width=20%>
<td class="poemtitleCell" align="center"><h2>
<!--This is where the poem pages fit in.-->

<!-- Poem page looks something like this.
My Poem's Name</h2>
<br /><br />
<div align="center">

Poem Goes here.


<!-- layoutFooter.html fit's in here. --><!-- text below generated by server. PLEASE REMOVE -->

Try reuploading the html file.
I have already.
In response to Flick
Flick I think that is because it's not just seeing the html file poem1.html it's seeing layoutNav.html and all the other layout parts.In the first post I just showed the poem1.html source and not the layout parts.I didn't think you'd need to see the others but if you do let me know.
In response to DBThunderProduction
I have tried everything and nothing seems to work still...What should I do
I believe the problem is that the file is trying to use SSI (server-side includes), while GeoCities does not support it... So it just chokes...

So unfortunately, you won't be able to do it that way on a GeoCities site (or virtually any of the other free webhosts... not many of them support SSI)

If you need to stick with GeoCities (or whatever free host that doesn't support SSI), then you'll need a different set up...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
What other way could I make it to not be SSI?
In response to DBThunderProduction
Put the actual HTML that you want there in place of the SSI include line.
In response to Crispy
The whole point of using SSI is so that you don't have to update things like menus on every single page. Suggesting using plain html is like suggesting not using it as an alternative to using it.

(If you've ever had a 100+ page website, you'll understand why not using it sound like a bad idea.)
In response to Foomer
I know what the point of SSI is, and believe me, I'm familiar with the headache of updating dozens of files. I'm just saying that's the only way he could get the webpages to work on Geocities.

A better solution would be to find a host that does support SSI, of course. =)
In response to Crispy
Even though they're not regarded very highly anymore, this effect could be handled with frames...

In fact, I'd say for lack of a better solution, that's the way to go...

The menus only need to be one HTML file each, the main page only needs to be one HTML file (with the actual frame setup), and the content pages can be loaded into the "content" frame as links are clicked...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
I'd probablary try and use a table with IFrames, because they look much better than normal frames.