how would i make it so people could change thier icon with a .dmi file on thier computer?
mob/verb/changeicon(I as icon)
src.icon = I
In response to Unknown Person
wow, i thought it would more complex, THX

[Edit] hey, now i got a new problem, but didn't wanna start a new thread.

whats wrong with this code?
build_new(I as icon)
new I(usr.loc)
it gives me this error.
runtime error: Cannot create objects of type null.
proc name: build new (/mob/verb/build_new)
usr: the admin (/mob/admin)
src: the admin (/mob/admin)
call stack:
the admin (/mob/admin): build new('obj.dmi')

i have no clue how to fix it...
In response to Redslash
icon = 'file.dmi'
icon_state = ""
edit(I as icon)
for(var/obj/editme in get_step(src,src.dir))
editme.icon = I
var/state = input("please enter the icon state!") as text
editme.icon_state = state

this is untested but it looks ok.
In response to Madpeter
thanks! i used your code and absorbed it into mine, it really helped. now everything works