(See the best response by FKI.)
I'm wondering - How do I get an icon to be outputted in my chatbox?

view()<<"\icon [usr.icon]" generally makes it 16x16.

Is there a way to make it bigger than 16 x 16?

You have to edit your output element's style to do something like this:

.span_label img.icon { width: 32; height: 32; }

Then when you're displaying an icon, you would do:

view() << "<span class = span_label>\icon [usr.icon]</span>"

This displays usr's icon in 32x32, or whatever size you decide to go with.
In response to FKI
I'm not too familiar with outputs, so how would I edit the elements style to the code you have written above?
In response to Kboy33
Best response
Go into your environment's skin and into where your output control is. Double-click the output (or click once and press Enter), and go over to the last tab labeled "Options." There you'll see a box labeled "Style." That is where you'll put the first snippet. Click the "OK" button and you're good to go.

Wherever you want your icon output to use a different size, you'll use the span tag around the text.
In response to FKI
I really wanna give you a brofist right now.

Thanks a lot, FKI ^^!
It actually explains how to do this in the DM Reference entry for the icon text macro, by the way.