![]() Jun 16 2004, 7:00 pm
Anybody have a library or demo they think they could use? Im trying to improve my 1% fame...
Your Prince of Persia fan game is a great testing ground for honing your skills; best do so there instead. If there's some interesting concept you want to try out, you're best off writing code for yourself, trying to get it to work, and sharing your results in the forum or something. Then other people can optimise the heck out of it! (*glances at Lummox adversarially*) |
A Good Bugless Simple Housing System With Saving owners in a Different DM so the User can choose whether or not they want to save.I cant seem to find any Good Housing Libs.
That would be because a "good housing system" is incredibly complex. If you're really serious about making one, Lummox JR's Swapmaps may help.
Worked for me :). Ya know, now that I think about it, all my public releases have been either text bases or demos. I'm racking up a nice number of demos. I should go back to some of my first and look at them again, see how I can fix them up.
The best way to learn is do your own projects, all my demos have been made to help my games/utilitys. I make them to fit my needs, them simplify them to work in almost any program. My guess is most people are that way. |
Sounds like a good idea but what exactly do you mean by "housing system". Do you mean a lib where a person can own a house, then save log out log back in and still own it?
Well Lumonox..(btw this is the 2nd time he has put me down).
THe other person helping me the the PoP game isnt on right now because his computer his messed up..I re-spaced the ATM code so now its neater. I even fixed the usr and src probs in log in||log out. |
Well Im working on it, right now I have finished this
You can own a house, it saves your file and the world file so when you log back in you still own the house, even if you close the world. it also loads your character. I also added lots of misc things like doors, and tvs, etc Anything else I should add? |
Konamix wrote:
Well Lumonox..(btw this is the 2nd time he has put me down). Well I don't mean to put you down, and I'd like to encourage you to keep developing and mastering your code. I do however wish to discourage anyone from producing demos who shouldn't (yet). It's not an expert-only club by any means, but demos are basically meant to be proof-of-concept or how-to code meant for newbies or intermediate programmers. To that end, they should be as bomb-proof and clean as possible. We've seen way too many newbies, though, developing demos. The result is poor code that gets circulated among a lot of bad games, and it ends up causing headaches here on the forum from newbies who picked up those same bad habits. (Case in point: A certain otherwise advanced user had sprinkled bad usr/src mistakes all over a tutorial, with the result that one part of his code ended up appearing in about 2 dozen threads asking for help to make it work. Seriously--2 dozen.) Certainly you're still at the newbie level, though having gone so far in Prince of Persia I think you have a great deal of promise. So for the time being, demo writing is not for you; but as you learn better technique (and better code presentation) and master DM more in the future, that will likely change. Here's a quick checklist you can use for going over future snippets and potential demos.
Ok, well yes all my demos from the last 2 use tabs, are noted(Home BYOND might not be) and is easy to use. The K_Admin library is clean..uses the right formatt and with one click is inputable in there game. Ill try to make my demos cleaner now.
Konamix wrote:
Ok, well yes all my demos from the last 2 use tabs, are noted(Home BYOND might not be) and is easy to use. The K_Admin library is clean..uses the right formatt and with one click is inputable in there game. Ill try to make my demos cleaner now. Remember what I said about libraries, though: They're a lot harder to do right and need more care than demos. You're still in a newbie stage and need to work with other developers to put out a good demo. You definitely shouldn't do a library now. It will help in the meantime to look at the interfaces to Deadron's libraries, or mine, and notice things like the way procs are named and how programs are meant to interface with them. Lummox JR |
Would a text system using pixel_x to space the letters closer together be good enough for a demo? All the demos I've seen that are close to that use one number or letter per tile, making them far too spaced out.
Mooseboy wrote:
Would a text system using pixel_x to space the letters closer together be good enough for a demo? It all depends on how it is written. A clean robust example of something simple like how to use alert() could be a good demo, whereas a demo that does something completely amazing may not be suitable if it is poorly written and buggy. All the demos I've seen that are close to that use one number or letter per tile, making them far too spaced out. Then you haven't seen MapText, sd_Text, or DmiFonts. I'm pretty sure there are others floating around out there too. DmiFonts shines for support of variable width fonts. (MapText is an old library from before BYOND supported pixel offsets, but it's the only of these 3 that does not require a BYONDscape subscription.) |
That's why. It's my fault for not seeing maptext, but I'm not one to pay for anything at all(Fireworks and Dreamweaver come to mind)
Konamix wrote:
Im trying to improve my 1% fame... You're doing a great job of it so far, but it's not the good sort of fame. Don't take this the wrong way, but if I see Konamix the first thought that enters my head is "Oh, that's the guy who makes the bad libraries". Anyway, if you insist on making libraries at least read this article Gazoot wrote for BYONDscape. You've probably never heard of Gazoot before but he's one of BYOND's best. |
OK..since everyboyd thinks im such a "bad" coder, give me a project to start on. Gimme a name, a idea. You'll see.
It wont be a demo/lib/snippet it'll be a game. |
Konamix wrote:
OK..since everyboyd thinks im such a "bad" coder, give me a project to start on. Gimme a name, a idea. You'll see. Konamix, its not that at all, you only recently come on to the Byond Forums and Byond site, and instead of trying to learn the most you can about the thing first, you are trying to make demos, for the community, which are ment to help newbies and the community. As someone who is new here, your bound to make mistakes and errors oldbies think are terrible and they are bound to yell at you about them. People actully LEARN from these demos, and when you do shoddy work on a demo, its like infecting someone with the same shoddy workmenship, which is already a virus spreading on the forums. I think you are seeking greatness or something on Byond, and if you are, your doing it too early in the game. What you need to do is learn a little bit more, and when your ready, work on a demo you intend to work hard on, polish it up as much as you possibly can, and when you cant find anymore errors, then give it to the community, and expect feed back, especially feed back on errors. Don't give up, but dont be overly senstive either, the byond foums werent ment for it. |
A demo is not something you should make lightly. It requires a semi-pro quality and a solid understanding of the language involved. It also requires thorough thinking through of the potential problems.
A library is a step above that. Libraries should be designed robustly with good hooks for users to make the most of their functionality. This too requires a semi-pro, or just pro, level of quality.
Your Prince of Persia fan game is a great testing ground for honing your skills; best do so there instead. If there's some interesting concept you want to try out, you're best off writing code for yourself, trying to get it to work, and sharing your results in the forum or something.
Lummox JR