in my RTS Ive created an object. its a little camera tower when you build it you get a verb to switch your view to the camera's for a few seconds..but if I build more than 1 on the map it goes to a black screen then returns to my characters. thats righ, exept for the balck screen.
I want it to bring up a little list that shows which camera.
this is the camera code so far.(btw i use tabs now but for it to fit i have to use 1 spaces)
icon = 'Units.dmi'
icon_state = "Camera"
density = 1
var/price = 150
switch(alert("Do what?","","Sell","Upgrade"))
M.Money += price
src.icon += rgb(0,0,40)
for(var/mob/M as mob in world)
M.client.eye = src.loc
if you need me to post anymore info just tell me.
Jun 19 2004, 2:55 pm
In response to FinalFantasyFreak
Konamix wrote:
M.client.eye = src.loc And I allready suggested changing client/perspective. |
In response to FinalFantasyFreak
yes I am
In response to Loduwijk
oops sorry I what would I change to to though? a number...sorry very sorry its just ive been gone for a while and I have to remeber the little things i just learned
In response to Loduwijk
WOW, thanks yall the perspective thingy worked!
Use dm tags around the code then you can use tabs.
Where does it call seeit from? Also, how far away from it are you when it is called? Make sure you set client/perspective to EYE_PERSPECTIVE.