-970Hp also if it doesn't have enough mp it still shows the icon attack yet won't allow them to attack.
Teta(mob/M as mob in oview(1))
icon = 'Skills.dmi'
icon_state = "teta"
src.icon = 'PC.dmi'
src.icon_state = "tuta"
src.icon = 'PC.dmi'
src.icon_state = "female mage"
if(M.HP > 0)
src << "You attack [M]!"
src << "You attack [M]!"
view() << "[usr] deals 10000 damage to [M]!"
M.HP -= 10000
M.MAX_HP -= 10000
src<<"You're don't have enough MP"
icon and src.icon are doing the same thing, I believe. the if(M.HP > 0) part is useless. If they had less than 0 hp, your deathcheck proc ~should~ have deleted M, or at least made it unattackable. You're displaying "You attack [M]" twice, though that's not really much of a problem. the else and "you don't have enough mp" message should go back one indentation. Ok, the mp part is where I really get confused. if M's mp is larger than it's max mp (which should never happen), then both the hp AND max hp get reduced by 10000 (max hp is the maximum, so it shouldn't be reduced)?
I can see alot of bugs in there. But I don't understand what you think the problem with it is.