The administration has no idea what it's doing in BYOND games. They'll often harass players instead of doing anything constructive. I was banned for telling an admin to grow up after they killed me for no reason then asked if I liked being new to the game. And they would NOT leave me alone.
It's -pathetic-.
Most BYOND games used to be a great place for roleplay and RPG, but it's really gone/going to hell.
This sort of administrative abuse has got to stop in games, but does anyone even care how bad it gets anymore? Or is everyone willing to simply roll over and let themselves, let others, get harassed just because they want to play? Personally, I think it's about time players stop accepting this sort of revolting behavior just because they want to play a game.
Sure, admins should be given respect for their actions, but shouldn't by the same token, be judged for their negative actions, like abusing power?
Jul 10 2004, 8:31 pm
Jul 10 2004, 8:35 pm
I completlly agree, in Chatters you somtimes see admins harrass people just because they cant spell as well as they want. BYOND is going to lose people and gain a reputation as a only "leet" community if all the admins are so harsh, though you cant control admins in user created games, its a problem that we can't exactly solve.
The administration? I didn't know every game had the exact same administration to be referred to by one single phrase. If your sick of a game and it's admins, then just don't play it, it's just that easy. If everyone followed this, then games with bad administration would lose all their players and will see this and may change the way they act, then players will slowly come back.
In response to Critical
I rarely see this happen unless somebody is spelling so terribly that you cannot even understand them. If you enter a game that revolves around talking, then at least try your best to do it properly. Most of the time it's just Mertek harassing people who come in.
This topic has been brought up time and again. And you are right, players shouldn't put up with the crap just because they want to play the game.
However, the ball is in the player's court. There is no way to enforce a standard of administrative ethics in BYOND games short of changing the basic foundation of BYOND. Games written in DM and run with DS or DD are not part of DanTom or BYOND in any official way any more than a game made in C++ is part of Borland or Microsoft. It is the developer's right to run his/her game how he/she wants. By the same token, it's the player's right not to play a game with an abusive admin. |
What you've got here is just a bunch of little boys with power. And they don't know how to handle power, or how to support a (hopefully growing) community. Also known as power-tripping. Most of them are just bored and their little minds can't get around the fact that their can be repercussions from their acts.
In response to Critical
That's because part of Chatters is being able to spell properly. It's part of the Chatters etiquette.
I don't normally give 'GM' or 'Admin' statuses to anyone. If I'm going to make someone 'GM', it'll stand for 'Game Moniter'. Game Moniters go around enforcing the rules of the game by reporting people to me, instead of banning people just because they don't like their name. I then check the logs and viola! If what the GM says is true, they get a cookie. If it isn't then they get nothing. The only 'actual' power I'd give out is the Game Intervention system built into my game which can report logs, locations and other appropriate statuses if you are cleared to use it. |
In response to Kusanagi
Kusanagi wrote:
If you enter a game that revolves around talking, then at least try your best to do it properly. I agree, I can't remember where I read it but somewhere in the forums at one time, someone reffered to the way you type is the way you present yourself. Like the clothes you wear would be how you type. Because it's the soul means of communication etc. But it's still no reason to abuse the crap out of the person. Sure you can ask them not to speak leet on public channels or something but heck. I'm talking about admins that just abuse anybody they can be bothered to abuse. Without reason. |
If you don't like the admins, don't play the game. Beyond rejecting hub entries, which doesn't apply if the game is hosted on multiple servers, there isn't anything anyone (save maybe the game author, if they're not the culprit) can do about it.
In response to Critical
Chatters isn't a problem. If you don't like the admins, create your own channel, and poof! You're the admin.
In response to Hazman
Hazman wrote:
That's because part of Chatters is being able to spell properly. It's part of the Chatters etiquette. Then why does it suggest you go into Chatters if you need help, it should be for everyone, just because a person has a problem with writing doesnt mean he should be critizied for it. And to Foomer: If you create your own room its pointless, nobody will probably come in it anyway. |
In response to Critical
If they ban people from the most popular server of chatters for that, then it is bad. But them harrassing them about it isn't any worse than some person comming in and talking so bad nobody can understand them, even when they are capable of talking better.
Laziness is worse than people nagging about someone's laziness. If none of us nagged, the lazy people would overflow the earth, and we wouldn't ever be able to understand each other. As for other games, they can do whatever the hell they want. I can understand why he doesn't like it when he liked the game, but if the owner of the game is stupid enough to hire bad admins and leave it that way, then the way you should deal with it is by just letting the admin pass you by if you don't want to be banned. If you see a weightlifting black-belt with a gun in his pants who just got out of the insane asylum pass you by and he makes a rude comment at you, do you go up to him and say, "Your a moron!" when you are a scrawny 10 year old with no protection whatsoever? It is your fault for mouthing off to the admin in other words. And guess what? I am one of those people who ban people for terrible speach. Although I don't ban them for mere using anograms, if someone shouts, "WOT U DO IN DIS GAME. SOMEONE PLZ TELL ME", or something that turns them into such a big "noob" they should have it imprinted on their forhead, then yes, I ban the little annoying buggers because if they are so lazy that they can hardly be understood, AND ask a question that is so obvious that they are just being utterly lazy and not looking at the documentation, then yes, they don't deserve to be in my games. |
In response to Hazman
Hazman wrote:
That's because part of Chatters is being able to spell properly. It's part of the Chatters etiquette. not true at all. yes, i admit to teasing those who refuse (yes, refuse not want) to spell correctly because they are too lazy- such a breakdown in communication only leads to problems later on. my efforts are only to preserve language as best as possible, and not let it degrade into a den of babbling teenagers who are too lazy to take the time to communicate clearly. heck, i'm certainly not a perfect speller, but atleeast i try! :p *and* my teasing is not as a moderator- i have never used chatters UOP powers to silence or kick out a bad speller, unless they become abusive or annoying. |
In response to Foomer
Chatters isn't a problem. If you don't like the admins, create your own channel, and poof! You're the admin. Yeah unfortunitly UOPs still can go into your room and screw with your channel settings :P. |
In response to Critical
Critical wrote:
Then why does it suggest you go into Chatters if you need help, it should be for everyone, just because a person has a problem with writing doesnt mean he should be critizied for it. u r sooooo rit! wen i ned hlp, teh ppl in chtrz shud mak teh efrt 2 no wut i tipe!!!1!11 i not shud 2 hav mak em unnrstand mi tipngi!!1! i ned th code 2 mak teh usr fly. HLP PLZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!11!!1!!! Ironic, someone calling themselves "Critical" whining about criticism. If someone wants help, they should at least make the effort to make their problem understandable. I overlook minor mistakes in spelling and grammer (I make more than my fair share of them!) when helping people, but if they can not communicate effectively they need to work on those skills before tackling DM. And to Foomer: If you create your own room its pointless, nobody will probably come in it anyway. If people want to talk with you, they will come to your room. I always check who is in each occupied room when I enter Chatters. Apparently the general populace of Chatters would rather be in a room with spellchecking grammar nazis than in one with you. |
In response to Xezza
Xezza wrote:
Kusanagi wrote: There is reason though. Most of the time if a person is asked to not speak leet or to try typing better, they will get very defensive. When said person gets defensive they usually do offensive things and the admins have no choice but to kick/ban/silence said person. Now if the person does not get defensive about it and just can't type better, and they get punished for that, then it becomes wrong. |
In response to Theodis
I am working on FlashChat to make it a little less...admin nazism like chatters. Server Admins will only be able to ban from FlashChat, and run admin commands in public premade rooms. This really limits their powers. If you create your own room, you are free from Server Admins powers, mostly. I think in a chat environment, you have rights to create, edit, and control your stuff as you see fit. Only time those rights are step on is when they strongly confict with the rights of others. For example, you create a room called "Freds Porno Shack" I would have to remove that room and warn the creator.
In response to Shadowdarke
Shadowdarke wrote:
Critical wrote: C'mon, be serious about it. NO ONE types like that. Most of the new people in chatters type with such things as "u" and "y" and "ppl". Ya know what? If you don't want to listen to it, there's a couple of nifty options: 1) Filter. You can change " u " yo " you ". And the like. 2) Ignore them! /ignore is very helpful in some cases I'll agree, some people do come in and demand code, and when they don't get it, they start cursing and leave. But within the past days I've been in chatters, most of the new people simply say "Hey, I have a problem here. It should work, but I can't understand why. Can someone help, please?" or something similar. And I'm dead serious about the way they type like that. It's not nearly as bad anymore, for some unknown reason. </rant> I see it from both ways. Yes, they could make an effort to spell better, because if we understand faster, we can help faster. And isn't that what it's all about? |
In response to Theodis
Theodis wrote:
Chatters isn't a problem. If you don't like the admins, create your own channel, and poof! You're the admin. I thought they took all that stuff out? UOPs are only supposed to have power over the server and public channels, and should have no power in private channels. Of course, its always possible the current source code holder has done some tampering... |
In response to Kusanagi
Kusanagi wrote:
Now if the person does not get defensive about it and just can't type better, and they get punished for that, then it becomes wrong. If someone can't speak english well that's one thing, and you can usually tell. But anyone can take the time to type out "you" and "are" instead of "u" and "r". |