Because they contain stolen content

Also, no need to post the same thing twice in different boards
In response to Smoko
To add to that, I know someone is going to ask "but why now?" Why now is irrelevent. They are being taken down for stolen content, and thats all that matters.
In response to Smoko
In response to Bronwxjr
It was a decent question to ask, if you were really confused about it.
In response to Smoko
Is their a way to bring them back up like change the coding in their game.
In response to Bronwxjr
Bronwxjr wrote:
Is their a way to bring them back up like change the coding in their game.

Yes, re-code the games from scratch and make new Icons
In response to Smoko
Thanks alot guys u really help me out
In response to Bronwxjr
No problems
Since this seems to have been answered fully, I'll close this thread now.

Thanks in advance for going Zeta-free! It'll make BYOND a much better place. =)