In response to Foomer
So, you are saying that every sword every blacksmith ever strikes is of top quality? No, I would say not. There are random things in life that can cause problems with the sword once done.
For example, the man who melts the ore into ignots does a bad job, not only do these iron ignots have a high copper count from a dirty mold, they are also high in air from bad poring. So, when said blacksmith goes to make said sword, the sword is high in copper and is full of bubbles.
There was nothing the blacksmith could do, but he still created a bad sword. See, random.
In response to Scoobert
Not really. If the ingot was better, the sword would be better, hence correlation (better ingot, better sword), hence non-random.
In response to Hazman
But rather than keeping the ignot quality, then factoring it out, it is much, much easyer to do random qualty flux of the item. Because the ignot quality would be random (saying you got it from a NPC vendor) so why go though the trouble of making ignot quality when you could just do slightly random sword quality, now, as you got better and better, a short copper sword would be easy, and even with bad ignots it would come out really high quality. So skill has a factor, but random factors come in too.
In response to Scoobert
So why not 'factor it out', but do different qualities of ingot from the NPCs? If something like a forging system is easy to program, then it's probablary easy for the player to rip his hair out.
Then again, random factors used in things like this can add to the game - Sana'te uses a brickmaking system which has a random number of bricks cracking in the mold. Why? Maybe the player didn't put the clay into the mold properly. Maybe is was to wet? To dry? Had lumps? Maybe the player was hungry/tired/bored? It's virtually impossible to take into account every possible factor in determining if a 'skill check' is successful.
In response to Hazman
That is what I am saying, you cant figure all the possible effects, so you just make a random variable to even things out. Also, there should be a small chance of failure to create a sword all together, because if you forge a sword wrong, it can crack, and break, thus failling to create. Now granted with this broke sword, you can probably repair it and it will be low quality, and probably not sell worth crap, but you where still able to recover it.
In response to Theodis
I would like to point out that this has very little to do with an RPG forging system. Remember that in an RPG, you are playing a role, a character. You and your character are not synonomous. Your character can do things you can't, and vice-versa.

I think that pure randomness is as evil as pure determinism in RPGs. Yes, a high level craftsman is going to very rarely make a mistake with a simple item. I could happen though. There is always a chance for failure, and there is always a chance for success through sheer stupid, blind, luck. It happens in real life, it might as well in a game.

I generally use a random system that Lexy turned me onto a while back. You add your skill to your opponent's skill (or difficulty), and generate a random number between 1 and that. If the random number is less than or equal to your skill, you succeed. This automatically scales itself to the character's skill such that as s/he gains skill, the simple tasks almost never fail. But they do occasionally.

For example, on a skill system where skill is measured from 1 to 100, Bob has a Smithing of 1 (he's new). Making basic materials such as ingots has a difficulty of 1-5, depending on the ore (better ore is more difficult to work. Not neccessarily realistic, but it maintains the RPG system of better is harder). This will give a random number between 2 and 6, giving the new smith between a 50% chance to a 16% chance of success. The smith grows in his/her trade. Now he has a Smithing skill of 50. Making ingots now has a 98% chance to an 89% chance of success. Much, much easier.
Moving up in skill, he caps out at 100. Ingots now take almost no effort at all. 99% - 94%

You might also notice another trend with this system: the amount of improvement slows as you get higher in skill. The difference between 50 levels is about 5%. The reason I like this is that it has built into it the perfection cap. By that I mean that the closer to perfect you are, the less gain you get. Differences in skill are obvious within about 10 levels. After that, it slows down.

The guy with a level 50 sword skill is going to trounce the poor newbie with level 1 sword only slightly less than the guy with level 100 sword. However, should the level 50 and level 100 fight, things would be much more varied. The level 100 guy would have a 66% chance of hitting the level 50, where as the level 50 would have a 33% chance of returning the blow. It is very likely that the level 100 player will trounce the level 50 player, but it is also possible that the level 50 player will outsmart the level 100 player and beat him/her.
In response to Theodis
First off, a clarification: at several points I spoke of "odds"; this did not necessarily refer to random factors in the game. If a chess master takes on someone who's never played chess before, then the odds are in favor of the chess master. Indeed, I was pretty much referring explicitly to mismatches of skill--why on earth would you make a randomized game where the odds would be anything but equal?

if (key == "Theodis")
diceRoll = roll(2,5)
diceRoll = roll(2,6)

That's what it would look like like. :P

Anyways: I agree wholeheartedly that the heart of a game is in the playing, not in the winning. Hence why I have gone to such lengths to show the folly of the win-based mindset. Not the "playing to win" mindset; I very much agree with those last two lines of that article: "I submit that ultimate goal of the “playing to win” mindset is ironically not just to win…but to improve. So practice, improve, play with discipline, and play to win." I do indeed "play to win", in the sense that while playing my general goal is to either play as efficiently as possible or, if that proves unnecessary, to play as efficiently possible while still maintaining my performance at acceptable levels. But playing for the sake of winning is stupid; I do not "play to win" just to win. Your main argument here has been that randomization threatens to take away your precious, precious victories. ("Randomses! We hates it, gollum!") You see a bad roll and only see a tally mark being drawn under the "losses" column, but there's more to a game than that.
In response to Scoobert
How about this: You all stop arguing, and agree on a GOOD system. Do it the old fasioend way! roll a die for a skill check, that way you dont have to factor in anything, its all in the roll of A die.
In response to EGUY
Yeah, after a short while of this I concluded that I really don't care anyway. :P
In response to sapphiremagus
I think that pure randomness is as evil as pure determinism in RPGs. Yes, a high level craftsman is going to very rarely make a mistake with a simple item. I could happen though. There is always a chance for failure, and there is always a chance for success through sheer stupid, blind, luck. It happens in real life, it might as well in a game.

There is also the chance the a player will get struck by lightning and instantly die. There is a chance that the player is unlucky enough to have been born with an unfortunatie terminal birth defect that causes the player to suddenly die. There is the chance that the player accidently trips falls on his sword and dies. Do you know why you haven't seen this type of stuff in games? It's not fun to randomly die from uncontrollable causes. Likewise it's not fun to spend an hour collecting rare resources have a 95% chance of success only to fail and have to do it all over. It may be realistic but it sure isn't fun.

I generally use a random system that Lexy turned me onto a while back.

The best part is you can take that system and easily make it deterministic. Just solve based on the percent chance of success how many tried on average it would take that person to suceed at the given task. Multiply this by the time it takes to do the task once and the resources needed to do it once. Then make it take that long and require that many resources to complete. That way a person with only 5% chance of success doesn't need to repeat a macro over and over until he succeeds and someone with 95% chance of success just has to get a little bit extra materials to compensate for his few random screw ups.
In response to Scoobert
Then you actually put in these random occurrances, and let players learn from their mistakes. Instead of being "Damn, lost another sword, I'll just have to try again, and again, and again..." it'll be "Damn, I lost another sword. That's the last time I'm buying ingots from Soandso!" See? It's better.
In response to Leftley
Your main argument here has been that randomization threatens to take away your precious, precious victories.

No I played and lost 95% of the games against a friend at Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2. I think we played for nearly 10 hours straight and I had no problem losing. But I lost because of how I played not because the game decided to make me lose that often. And as such I had plenty of room to become better. After much playing I'm now on pretty much equal footing with my friend. If to make the game fair it did stuff to make me win half the time because of so much random junk I probably wouldn't have improved nearly as much since it wouldn't be nearly as clear why I was losing or winning. Winning or losing isn't what makes the game fun but if you aren't playing to win then you missed out on how you are supposed to play the game :P.

You see a bad roll and only see a tally mark being drawn under the "losses" column, but there's more to a game than that.

Yeah generally there is but the larger the random band is the more that bad roll contributed to my loss. This loss doesn't help me improve my playing ability nor was it fun. If I lose I want it to be because I screwed up.

Though occasionally this misconception from random winning and losing has its benefit. At the Mario Kart 64 tournament my college held a while back everyone scoffed at the game because they thought the winner was more determined by random odds than skill. I ended up dominating the competition with a perfect win streak and the only close match was one of the intial ones because it was a simpler track :P.
In response to Jermman
That is random, the very essence of what we are talking about.
Here's an idea:

For forging, you specify how good you want it. Then you'd get to work at trying to make it. (Perhaps you'd need specific designs made by an inventor, architect, or whatever makes these designs, to make a sword of specific strength.)
Then it'll repeatively roll every minute to see if I suceed at making it.
(For exaxmple, say I want a sword that's sharpness is level 24, and swiftness that's level 42 (sharpness being a factor in damage, swiftness being a factor in attack delay.
I would get out my hammer, go to my forge, get a lot of resources (Enough for about 10 swords.)
Then it'll, using the sharpness and switftness I want in a very advanced formula, as well as my own skill, will roll repeatively. If I fail, it'll take up a few resources, if it suceeds, then I got the sword I wanted, or at least the closest I could get it to (basically, the sharpness being anywhere from probably 20 to 28, and the swiftness being anywhere from 35 and 49 (or something different, varying on my skill.))
Why not have it so that you start with either an already-made sword or a design, for a reference. Then, you get the metal you need for the sword, and can perform a number of basic actions on it: heat, fold (the metal), hammer, cool (in water), sharpen (you want to do this after it's cooled). Heating the metal will make it hotter, and thus, easier to mold. When you aren't heating it, it will slowly cool off. Folding it will double the thickness, but halve the length. Hammering it will decrease the thickness, increase the strength (hammering out impurities), and increase the length, until the length is correct, at which point you will start giving it an edge. Dunking the hot sword into water will cool the sword, pretty much finalizing it (though you can melt it down again). Sharpening it will increase the edge (beyond what you could get with the hammer), but will decrease the weight and strength slightly.

Look up a blacksmithing guide or something, and model it after that.
In response to Garthor
But what if you're making a shield or some armor or something?
In response to Foomer
Then the width is a different number. Defense would be based on width and your defensive skill (deflecting projectiles is much more reliant on width). Whatever you are modelling it after determines its name / icon / width, and nothing more. You can sharpen your shield if you want to, but that isn't going to help much.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Apparently you missed the "Random success is evil!" part of my earlier post.

I wouldn't say random success itself is evil, it's more a factor in making an evil system.
I think the real painful parts are: "You lose twelve ingots, your cat gets hit by a bus and you're girlfriend dumps you" and the fact that it all happens instantly.

You spend fifteen minutes gathering resources, click "Forge Sword" then they just dissapear with a little "You suck" message.
I wouldn't mind random failure if doing the task was a process* which you could fail at certian parts while still being able to recover.
Ie, you screw up making the handle. You have to go out and make a new handle but the blade is still usable. You can't move onto the next step in the process until you've made a new handle, but you haven't lost everything on one random roll either.

*Something like gather the parts, stain the metal, make the parts, assemble the parts, perminantly attach the parts to each other, get it a mage to put a spell on it. Not just gather resources, select a design, fail/succeed.
In response to Garthor
Actualy, a Spiked shield is a very powerful weapon in battle. Not only does it grab the sword/weapon, it also allows you to stab them while your weapon is unusable.
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