This because I see when adding to the complaints list, it says Complaints = "(the rest of the coding)"
This is so admins dont handle the same problem twice.
mob/verb/Access_List() // !!!!Add ability to erase a complaint off of list!!!!
if(src.key == "RainZero")
src << browse("[Complaints]","window=complaints")
mob/verb/File_Complaint(T as text)
Complaints = "[Complaints][html_encode(T)] - <i>[html_encode(]</i><br>"
usr << "Thank you for filing your complaint. Administrators currently have [Complaintslen] report\s to respond to before yours. You will be contacted as soon as possible."
I also fixed a few small problems. FileComplaint(T) is invalid. It should be FileComplaint(T as text) Also, it's perfectly fine to use usr inside of verbs to capture the player's key.