Ok, call me an idiot, but this code is not working for me to summon the mob I have in my test-world:
summon(mob/M as mob in world)
M.loc = usr.loc
When I use it the mob disappears
Any help?
Aug 21 2004, 3:40 pm
In response to Chance777
I thought of that too... no difference
In response to Githlar
Then maybe try using this if the one your using doesn't work. I can't really see what is wrong with yours.
M.x = src:x M.y = src:y M.z = src:z ~Chance |
In response to Chance777
In response to Githlar
Then I have no idea what's doing it. Sorry =(
~Chance |
In response to Nick231
Nick231 wrote:
> summon(mob/M as mob in world) That would set M.loc to null. |
Could you show the entire relevant code snippet? That is, the entire definition back to the root of its source.
In response to Chance777
Try this summon verb
I use this in my GM summon code mob/verb I know it works, so post what u think of it. |
In response to Loduwijk
Hmm... Your right, I assumed it was this way because the other just didn't work (while it should).
Teleport_To_Me(mob/M as mob|obj in world) That's the code from my game exactly and it works... |
In response to ElderKain
That would work aswell however you should not use : unless it is absolutely neccesary (and in this case it is not).
Works fine for me...
<code>mob/verb Summon(mob/M as mob in world) M.loc = usr.loc</code> |
In response to Nick231
Sorry I didn't say so before, but I already figured it out. I was going thru the DM Guide and doing all the stuff they were doing and I already had a summon verb attached to a torch. That is what was messing it up. It's all fixed now, and thanks for the help!
I'm not positive, but you shouldn't have mob/M as mob in world, since you already defined M when you did mob/M. It should probably just be mob/M in world.