Could anyone here tell me how to make a shockwave that appears around a mob and moves in his northwest, soutwest, north, south, west etc. What i mean is something similar to the flame nova attack in silk wizard's Proelium, but i need it to keep moving for a while. Help please?
It might not be exacly what you want but a simple solution is to make 8 Nova obj on the character and make them walk in the 8 directions
In response to FranquiBoy
That is what i want but do you know a good way to delte them after a while?
In response to Reinhartstar

This will cause the nova to stop when it hits a dense turf, or you could use spawn:

spawn(50) del(src)

When nova is created, it waits 5 seconds and deletes it
In response to FranquiBoy
Okay. Got it. Thanks for the help