Well after playing Super Smash Brothers Melee Until I unlocked every character...
I have decided to make a BYOND type of Super Smash Bros.
My Idea is simple..
Create a Smash Bros. Enviroment.
Implement Characters From Popular Games on BYOND.
My Question is what characters and why?
This should be simple for everyone...
Just list a character class or race and than give a reason for them to be in a game like this.
![]() Sep 4 2004, 9:44 am
![]() Sep 4 2004, 10:11 am
Characters or classes? I could give you some characters found in some games on BYOND but I'd think classes (Rogue, warrior, etc) would be pretty easy to think of yourself...
I thought you meant using people from BYOND as characters. Heh, I would love to play as Dan or Tom and pwn all your base!
~X |
I thought about making the like and making gurus as characters, since I have already made an entire engine very similar to the SSB one, but then I decided not to because it would be too corny because I would have to make them all unique, and not very many people on BYOND have 1337 sk33ls in martial arts :P It would have to be a comedic type game... Not to mention I'd have to ask all of their permission to use them :P
But it would be fun to see the final battle of Light_Samurai vs. Garthor, in a battle of wits vs. money :P |
Kunark wrote:
I thought about making the like and making gurus as characters, since I have already made an entire engine very similar to the SSB one, but then I decided not to because it would be too corny because I would have to make them all unique, and not very many people on BYOND have 1337 sk33ls in martial arts :P It would have to be a comedic type game... Not to mention I'd have to ask all of their permission to use them :P Since when is Light/Arthosa a Guru? |
It was a joke. And I didn't mean EVERYONE as gurus... Because that might not be as fun.
I can gaurentee you that if I were to make it, you'd definately see an easy-to-kill Kanak wondering about XD |
Well you could have this..
Guru's DBZer/Lamers(No offense to the dbzers here) Normals/Regulars For guru players there could be Lummox Jr,Garthor,Dan & Tom and a few others.Now as for DBZERS you could be Dracon,kanak or even raekwon =p,as for normals perhaps you could use forum regulars as characters. As you use each character in battle more then 3 times the next level of characters becomes unlocked and you may use that type now. Hopefully that made sense. --Goz |
Well, an animal representing the hands down ownage that was HrH.
A White Agent with supernaturalish abilities from MLAAS -a ness-style character. A disfigured Goku or DBZ character with the weakest abilities in the game representing the crap that is a Zeta rip. This could have attacks such as 'Fatal Error 400935' (an error only found by idiots who can't figure out how to make a game based on a single variable), or the 'i cnt spll stirke', which would afflict the attacker with stupidity. Grand. There should also be 'uber' characters, which would be based off of some BYOND's keys. A strange flying object with two primary nodes of incredible power called a 'DanTom', for instance. Or a Lesbian Assassin, a Spuzzum (what was his definition for himself? A fuzzy animal or something?), a gnome with super splattering power, or a mouse that can enter into the digital realm only to reappear with a digitalmousetrap in hand. For the most Elite players, however, there is the ultimate in character technology; a character so deadly that he has been referred to as a weapon of mass destruction (as a side note, try googling that - 'weapons of mass destruction'). This character is... The Gathin. And that's all I can think of. [Edit: Well, I guess I just think along the same lines of everyone else. The lesson? Read an entire thread before replying.] |
There should also be 'uber' characters, which would be based off of some BYOND's keys. A strange flying object with two primary nodes of incredible power called a 'DanTom', for instance. Or a Lesbian Assassin, a Spuzzum (what was his definition for himself? A fuzzy animal or something?), a gnome with super splattering power, or a mouse that can enter into the digital realm only to reappear with a digitalmousetrap in hand. Not without permission there shouldn't. Lexy would never give permission for herself to be included in any game, and I know I wouldn't either. |
I am taking this all into account... As for the coding team well that is a different story... Anyway in response to the anti-dbz ones it would be quite funny to see Kanak v.s RaeKwon or something like that.... |
if you provided a template of how you want the character icons to look like, i'd be willing to make a set of custom 'digitalmouse' icons for when i fight against someone. might be fun!
Same with me, but I really dont have a picture persona, but I am well known for making my posts go unnoticed, so I can have the ability to cloak...posts. Also, people normaly see me as Scooby Doo hiding under a rock.
Well um cool ^_^
Basicly if anyone wants to be a character just ask And I will think about it. Now of course using BYOND it will be 2D. Now most attacks will be used with macros. I was thinking for Guru's they could have more smartly though up teqniques and for DBZ-Rippers we will have an assortment of dbz ki-attacks :P Here is a template for a person sort of.. I used this name cause his games are well funny... Grei Attacks:Seizure Flash =P, Old Grandma Attack, Piss XD If I actually got permmision to use his name he would be an unlockable. Anyway, I do not mind adding people, all icons should be custom made by the person who wants to be in it. And I am also in need of some coding help... If anyone wishes to help page me. |
Kunark wrote:
I decided not to because it would be too corny because I would have to make them all unique, and not very many people on BYOND have 1337 sk33ls in martial arts :P No, but some of us can summon monkeys to beat other people up (or at least hit them with newspapers and fling dung at them). |
So wait, this is BYOND people? Because Havenmaster is now planning on making a people version. I'm still confused on all your messages on what exactly this is. I will be a character if you'd like, though I have no clue what humorous things you could make about me other than my "Farmer-Tanned ninja" pictures. Or possibly me sommoning rabid babies and dogs haha :) If your not wanting to do this, however, you don't need to because HavenMaster wants to with my engine and graphics I would make. We could make it pretty hysterical :P We will back off of that project we want to do though if you still want to.
If you are looking for characters from popular games and what not, you have my permission to use any of these characters from my games: Any of the gods from "Fenris's Apocalypse", including Bellfran (Fear), Unsoullus (Hate), Kensharyf`Bain (Justice), Jerolosi (Love), Meckorfelisive (Elements), and Shanighten/Hermisive-Gaul (Destruction). Fenris, of course too :P A "Dementophobia" character, though, hah, they are already in an SSB type game, but might be fun to duke it out with one :) Everyone loves the demon hunter, Ckiin, however, he is kind of resembled off of Dante from Devil May Cry so that isn't really that great. You can use the final boss, The Hitroteshe, which is a hovering multi-tiles human-like demon with a HUGE sword and wears a red mask. Daurauknefah the female demon-hunter might be a cool person to add. In "Surreal Dreams", I have The Predator. He is a "Wingmaker" which in the game is basically a mage that completely masters one type of magic. They usually use swords made from their element. The Predator uses an enormous blade of holy energy, and has striped hair and wears a lab-coat looking thing. Though I have not released the game yet, it'll be released in a couple of months or so, you can use Annie from "Playing with Roses", but if you'd want to use her you'd have to ask me about her because I'm not wanting to give anything in the game away yet. That is if your using characters from games. If you don't want to use any, that's cool, but reply if you'd like to use anyone. And if your looking for people, you can use me if you'd like :P |
I wouldn't try it. If he lets me and HavenMaster at it you'll have to go up against us AND him, in both genres.
If he is doing the game you are planning on making (Characters or BYOND people), please, don't make it, just see it when it comes out then look at it then make up your mind. it is rude to make the same game at the same time as someone else, just because they wanted to post for some help or what not in the developers forum. he probably doesn't have as much coding experience too, so I'd wait until he clarifys what he is going to make and then make yours as different as possible. And no, me and haven aren't planning on copying his game. Imma back off if he is doing BYOND people. Just kind of a joke game we'd make. |
Kunark wrote:
I wouldn't try it. If he lets me and HavenMaster at it you'll have to go up against us AND him, in both genres. I'm doing a totally diffrent genre,its using BYOND people(Which is what i suggested to Taor) and its not an SSB Clone because this is what Taor is planning to do you can go and say im rude but i have a totally diffrent view and a few minutes ago i changed my mind about the SSB clone and ill just do something original, heh =p --Goz |