I dont know if i'm the only one but dont you ever feel that you have an idea but because you've made an (M)MORPG, you cant implement things you could have if your game was single player?
The biggest problem i'm ever faced with is space.
For example: Lets say Bob goes and buys a house. What i usually do to get him in that house is use usr.loc=locate(1,1,1), but using this method means that now (1,1,1) belongs to Bob. Now lets say Jim decides he wants a house aswell, the house coding says to relocate a house owner to (1,1,1), however, Bob already bought that location and is saying that "HEY, get out you n00b. This is my house!!!". And now lets say a third person buys a house aswell, again they're taken to (1,1,1).
I realise that you could make more than 1 house in the map and using variables, transport the player to new locations.
But this means that you'd have to make a pretty big map and eventually, the space WILL run out.
How do you guys tackle this problem?
![]() Sep 15 2004, 3:28 am
Just look at Darke Dungeon. It creates and loads new Z levels when they're needed, and saves and unloads them again when its done. The only housing limit in DD is Shadowdarke's hard drive.
Well you could make maps at runtime. I think Lummox JR created some kinda lib that can do this. Or you could create the house out of objects at run time and just decide where too put it.