I used to get very frustrated and angry when I couldn't make someone feel the same way I do about politics, religion, or whatever the topic.

That was before I became annoying. That's right, folks, I'm no longer stressed about what they think, because I know that I'm right and they're wrong.

Who cares if they're wrong? I used to care, but I care substantially less now... Why? Because it's just so durn funny to frustrate the opposing typist with witty comments and a managery of taunting smiley faces.

Try it, it helps relieve stress.

I care because it pains me when i sleep to know there are people out there who know something wrong and can't realise the fact about something even after they've been told.

It SERIOUSLY bothers me, i actually feel like exploding.

But there's no reason to frustrate to opposing typist with witty comments or with emotions, letters and numbers(which dont carry anything insulting) are fine.
In response to DeathAwaitsU
I used to feel the same exact way... just mess around with them instead it's much more enjoyable.

In response to Kujila
I dont argue for enjoyment or pleasure of any sort, I argue for truth.
Intelligence can be accurrately measured by how often you admit that you're wrong.

Hey look!

You never admit you're wrong.
In response to Garthor
You really should speak for yourself Garthor.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Intelligence can be accurrately measured by how often you admit that you're wrong.

Prove it. :P
In response to Jotdaniel
Actually, no, this is not a situation where it applies to a specific person. This is a general statement applying to every person in the world.
In response to Foomer displayStory.cfm?story_id=2941288

First result when doing a search, so don't complain about bias. Basically it's "Stephen Hawking was wrong about black holes, and lost a bet."
In response to Garthor
I am always right because I have a microchip for a brain.

Do you have a microchip brain? I think not, so shush.

Besides, intelligence can't be measured on that, you just made it up because you thought it would make you sound smart :D

In response to DeathAwaitsU
Truth + Internet = Cannot Computer BSOD PHZZZZIT!@$%@#%

In response to Garthor
I don't know about you, but I've admitted I was wrong before, as I'm sure most people have on one occasion or another. Again, speak for yourself.
In response to Jotdaniel
People will never admitt that they were wrong in an argument. They will possibly admitt it later on, but not during the argument even though something you said might have proved them wrong and they knew it. They usually say something like "Whatever." Then the argument stops there.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
I will freely admit during an arguement, many times to my embarrasment, that I am wrong if the person is able to convince me. Its called debating. I love to debate.
In response to Garthor
Intelligence can be accurrately measured by how often you admit that you're wrong.

So the trick to being intelligent is to be always wrong and proud of it?
In response to Theodis
No, the obvious trick to being intelligent is to always agree with Garthor.
In response to Jotdaniel
Ahh,... It allll is starting to make sense, now ^.^

Kujila wrote:
I used to get very frustrated and angry when I couldn't make someone feel the same way I do about politics, religion, or whatever the topic.

That was before I became annoying. That's right, folks, I'm no longer stressed about what they think, because I know that I'm right and they're wrong.

Who cares if they're wrong? I used to care, but I care substantially less now... Why? Because it's just so durn funny to frustrate the opposing typist with witty comments and a managery of taunting smiley faces.

Try it, it helps relieve stress.


k there Maddox...
In response to Garthor
That's not proof, that's circumstantial evidence. =P

Besides, if that's the same bet I heard about, Hawking was 95% sure that he would lose the bet when he made the it. He made the bet so that if some theory was wrong, he would win the bet as a consolation prize. The theory was right, so he lost.

Or something like that. I'm too lazy to go and look it up in A Brief History of Time, where I read about it =P
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