I don't know how it is done,or what it does.I've been playing ic(arthosa's)And when i go to load a icon next thing i know its curropted.I know a few people that htis has happened to.I am very mad because now i have to make most of the icons over.I don't know who does it i jsut know it's been happening recently.
That probably belongs on the Icon Chatterz fourms but you should know some people have coded there way into saving the icon you load into like a temporary folder then they use them...that is another way of stealing on byond...
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Mabe but i also heard it was a third program which i have no idea what it is,And one time someone handed me a piece of coding i was working on and then logged...soo that's what made me go to that conclusion.
In response to CodingSkillz2
Can you mention this kids ingame name/Key Name so we know to never go near him? We would not want to lose our icons/coding either.

Also, you should probably report this to [email protected]. He handed you a piece of your coding that you were working on. He obviously hacked.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
I hav'nt seen him in awhile and i hope he doesnt check these forums but its CrAcKAdDiCt somthing like that,not sure on the capping.
That's it.I'm going to sleep now,night.Oh and can some1 report him to dantom?Because my computer is filled with spyware and i dont have time right now to clear it.So when i go to email it goes to a spam site...anyway..night
In response to CodingSkillz2
Was it a part you posted on the fourm?
In response to N1ghtW1ng
No,i was trying to do it from scratch.
In response to CodingSkillz2
CodingSkillz2 wrote:
Mabe but i also heard it was a third program which i have no idea what it is,And one time someone handed me a piece of coding i was working on and then logged...soo that's what made me go to that conclusion.

I don't think it's at all possible that you were hacked via Icon Chatters or BYOND in general. More likely something else is running on your system that doesn't belong there, like a trojan, and was there all along.

Lummox JR
In response to CodingSkillz2
Oh, so your computer is filled with spyware...



If your computer is infested with spyware, it would be an easy task for any script kiddy to put in your IP and just browse your computer with whatever program.
In response to Garthor
Yes but for some kid to do this he would have to be one hell of a kid.And i finally cleared the spyware so now if it happens again it is'nt me.
In response to CodingSkillz2
Uh, CS... This is the most idiotic idea I've heard to date. If someone that plays Icon Chatters(z) could possibly "hack you" I'd be very surprised. Don't worry about hackers, if you are smart, and stay away from porographic sites, Warez sites, rom sites, or anything else suspicious, and don't download attatchments from random e-mails, don't bother using Kazaa or whatever other spyware you might think of, you are safe.

I've never once had a "hacking" threat turn out to be real. My favourite was JK2K_Nightmare, also known as EvilZombieZ. He basically told me he would make it so that my computer could not turn on unless I gave him icons from Veritas... I told him to "shove" off, and he started counting down from ten... at 0, he logged out... This tends to be the pattern you see with these people. Total idiots.

I don't understand why those who cannot create must destroy, and those who can't destroy must annoy.

In response to Ter13
If a self-proclaimed "hacker" does threaten you, just tell them to bring it on, brag that they can't possibly penetrate your security systems, and say that your IP address is something starting with 127. That entire range of IP addresses,, are called the loopback addresses, because they refer to the current computer. (Most of you are probably familiar with the standard loopback address,, but on every computer I've tried it on, any address functions the same way.)

Even if they're wise to the trick, they may not notice a more "real-looking" IP address until it's too late. Result? One script kiddie = hax0red.

Another fun thing to do, if you're feeling slightly less malicious, is to make up a valid, but currently unused, IP address and give them that. (Ping it first to make sure nobody's actually using that address at the time.) Once you've found one, say that it's your IP address. Your wannabe-hacker friend will be amazed at the security systems that make your computer completely invisible to the rest of the internet! :-D