I know a good icon maker for you. His Key Name is Doomsquirrel. He started BYOND not that long ago, but, he offered to do icons for my game. I gave him a chance and I hae to admit, he is pretty damn good. His icons may not be the best in quality, but they are most certainly original. He does them in about five minutes too, it is pretty amazing. He made me a few characters with all of the states in just five minutes. You should contact him.
Master Chief:
Original name: John-117 Construct name: Military Mjolnir Mark V Origin: Reach universe Status/Rank: The Master Chief. He was neither the best nor the bravest Spartan II, but the only known survivor, aside from a secretly stashed female Spartan II... (Name origin is from the freakin' bible, man! check this out: "The Revelation of St. John the Divine": Chapter 1: Verse 17: (revelation 1:17) -> "And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last") Heh, as for age, I think he's around 32-34. height, I'd say 5'9"-6'0" Weight, I'd probably judge around 180-200 lbs. From his voice, I'd assume he is white, though I think the Master Chief is closer to 60-70 years old without any chryoing. The Spartans were created in 2491, 75 were created, and only 33 survived the genetic and mechanical enhancements they were subjected to. These 14-year olds were put in combat, and were actually doing better than most adult units! Though, The chief must have been closer to fourty because of his birth-date, and his outfitting date. John-117 was born in 2485, and was given the MJOLNIR battlesuit in around 2552. That's 67 years apart! However, he probably spent a long period of time in NLS (Near light speed) transit, or in Chryo, both of which would slow aging. I don't know where I'm going with this... |
That is pretty interesting stuff. I always wanted to know more about Halo, they hid so much stuff from you (purposely). I know they are trying to slowly bring you the full story. Where did you get this information from? The novels? I never had time to read the novels, but I want too, so badly.
8 on 8 is a lot of fun, especially with all vehicles. It's chaos. I'm really good with the warthog. I can dive out of the drivers' seat in mid-jump, shoot a rocket, hit the target and manage to climb back into the seat before the warthog hits the ground. This is the trick that has made my friends bow in awe to me... Until one of them figured out it is easier than you could believe... I want to learn to do this with a pistol and the sniper rifle...
I'm also talented with the warthog, though, I haven't run around with acrobatics, mostly just getting up and down steep hard to get places. Though, I'm GOD with the sniper. I can hit moving targets in Blood Gultch from one base to the other, of course, head shots. Though, not that I'm a chicken who hides out in corners with a sniper rifle that no one can find. I will accept any challenge when someone asks me to go 1 on 1 with them in the middle of a multiplayer battle. Ter, perhaps we'll encounter eachother on Halo II XBOX Live?
I am God with the Sniper Rifle. I can get head-shots very easily. I am also very, very good at dodging sniper rifles (what I also like to do is when someone fires a rocket launcher at me from a very, very far distance, I like to stand there until it is about a second away from me and jump out of the way. It is so funny. Grenade wars are also EXTREMELY fun when you have infinite grenades turned on).
Same here. When I have the sniper rifle I do not ever camp. I literally run around in the middle of the map and get head-shots while moving.
My school recently held a halo tournament and the winning team had a FFA to decide who won the prize (which was Halo 2). What sucks though is that my team was kicked because the people who ran it were completely stupid and had 5 teams in the single elimination semi finals... x_x
I do a mixture of things, though my specialty is and always has been vehicular combat. Most people overlook the usefulness of a warthog. They think they make them easy targets. Tip of the day: If you are taking heavy fire, turn the warthog to the side of the enemy, jump out and use it for cover until you can pick them off with a pistol or sniper. Unless, that is, they are firing rockets, in which case, get as far away as you can, and if you see a rocket flying towards you, turn so that the driver seat is facing the shot, dive out and hope it doesn't nail you. The reason for this: If you turn away, you are immune to the hit, but the warthog has a chance of rolling over you.
I'm also a badass flag capper. I'm not so good on the defense, but I rarely fail to capture the enemy flag, or to take ours to the enemy base (in assault mode). I'm a lot better at CTF: Assault than CTF: Standard, one of my prize abilities is the ability to get a 20 kill running riot with only a shotgun, some frags, and a pistol. Can't seem to do this when the enemy is at our base, or in the field, just when I'm taking over the enemy base... Could have something to do with the fact the enemies respawn nearby, and don't have time to get good weapons... |
A school that plays halo and host a tounement....Where do you live?!?!? If my school did that it would be AWSoME =o.
Unless you can(like me) shoot the sniper in point blank or a few feet away and hit a head shot jumping around.By the way does "any one" have halo for computer?!?! I was planning on hosting a tounement and the winner would get gm in the game xD.(Depends on who you are though <.<)
I'm sorry, I was under the impression that prizes for tournaments were typically something worthwhile.
I need a actual icon maker though rather than my crappy stuff ^^;
If I get one of those then I can do it fine.