I just got back from paintballing for a buddy's birthday.
And all I can say is, ow. I got shot in the neck from 10 feet away in this stage called "Police Raid".
What happened was, me and 4 other people were inside this building with windows and little sniper holes, and 5 other people were hiding behind cars and such on the outside. I looked outside the door and this little kid shot me in the effing neck, I was on the ground, and I think I yelled "Christ!" a few times. It was all good though, we still won, and the adult with them gave me some more paintballs when I was almost out =) (I used over 600 paintballs there).
Also, on this other level, MY TEAM ABANDONED ME! We were almost out of paint (Half a hopper left for each of us or so) so we played this stage called "Hidden Valley". We started on the east side, and everyone was shooting at the enemys coming up the hill behind the tree's. Then my team moved up, leaving me behind with 2 guys coming up behind me and 1 on the hill shooting at me. So of course, im too proud to surrender, so I laid myself some cover fire at the two guys behind me, making them duck, and I ran for it.
They got up and proceded to shoot me in the back 5 times.
![]() Oct 2 2004, 4:08 pm
Jermman wrote:
I just got back from paintballing for a buddy's birthday. I got shot in the finger once by a guy who was standing right next to me. I was getting a paint check, the ref came over and was checking to see if I was out (which I wasn't), and someone abused that opportunity (which you aren't supposed to do) to come right up alongside my bunker next to me and nail me in the finger. I began bleeding which mixed with the green paint to form an odd red and green mixture, and I had a depression in my finger for a week afterwords. At first, I could not even move my finger or feel anything past the shot. Some people just have to be jerks and ignore the rules. =/ Also, on this other level, MY TEAM ABANDONED ME! We were almost out of paint (Half a hopper left for each of us or so) so we played this stage called "Hidden Valley". We started on the east side, and everyone was shooting at the enemys coming up the hill behind the tree's. Then my team moved up, leaving me behind with 2 guys coming up behind me and 1 on the hill shooting at me. So of course, im too proud to surrender, so I laid myself some cover fire at the two guys behind me, making them duck, and I ran for it. Why did you stay behind when they moved up? As for surrendering, that is good. I do not surrender either. I usually go out trying to take them down with me. However, one time I got tired of looking for the last person left on the other team and shot myself in the foot and declared myself hit. You should have kept shooting at the two guys while you were running. |
You should never go out without a paintball mask. Anything less is not good enough. People <s>can</s> have gone blind because they do not use the proper equipment. Heck, I would most likely be blind today if I played paintball without a mask, as I have taken many shots to the eye areas which the paintball mask keeps from hitting my face.
Ski masks and safety goggles are sometimes used by people, but those break. One of my paintball buds' dads is a lawyer, and he represented a kid from the area whose safety goggles broke under paintball fire and left him blind. You should always wear a paintball mask when playing paintball, and you should never shoot at anyone who is not wearing one. You should never take the mask off in the middle of a game either, not even if it fogs up inside and you cannot see. All that aside, not including my paintball mask which I always wear on the field, I occasionally go out with nothing but a tee-shirt and shorts. As long as you aren't shot from a couple feet away it's not too bad. |
Heh, I remember one time when I got plugged in the throat. I was holed up in a building covering the flag base. Great position in a corner with just a sliver of a window to shoot in from. I tagged two guys and was thinking good thoughts when suddenly WHAM! the third dropped a shot right past my throat guard and plugged me. Hurt so bad, I couldn't breathe or call hit....
Still, slightly better then one time when I got plugged at short range in the ear guard and thought I ruptured an eardrum (damn red paint!). And much better then the time I almost got shot in the testicles (another reason to always wear a cup boys!). |
Heh, he was talking to me. I said unprotected, and he thought I didn't have a mask on. I should have chosen some better words to describe it :P
Have you ever gotten drunk with a bunch of friends and passed out, suddenly waking up because one of your drunken idiotic friends shot you in the nuts with a paintball? Didn't think so....(I couldn't walk for over two weeks).
It's always refreshing to hear that the spirit of sportsmanship and cooperation which pervades online gaming is thriving offline as well.
How about spending a whole entire day [explicit word removed because of the "younger" part of the community] and not remembering anything that day or after it >.> incase anyof you were wondering its a word that rhymes with dazed
EDIT: I just remembered what else happened that time. Some helpful advise, never bring your future step-sister and her best friend. They tend to be jumpy and forget when you say you'll be right back. So, you'll go back around the corner and get shot about 50 times by twitchy fingers.
Also, we holed ourselves up in a room (after the girls quit because the paintballs hurt so much. they had coveralls on, too.) guarding all the entrances. Then my little punk brother found a peep hole, got me, and the other 2 guys got him.
Oh yeah, last round, my team was in one room, and the other guys were in the room right next to us. Two of us were on either side of the door, and they were in the other room. Needless to say, som improvising and shooting randomly into the room left me the only person left. I didn't know that, so I wandered the course, all jumpy, looking for em.
Great times, great times.