1) How do you change a mob's view during the game? I tried "usr.view = 3" and that's undefined, so I dunno
2) How do you make it so players can walk over each other, but not walls or anything?
![]() Oct 7 2004, 2:06 pm
That would work for a verb; but I was talking about mixing it with a proc and changing view when I go to a new level or something...I'll mess around with it
Just look at the demo then you can easily modify/learn from it. We will not give you code to just copy and paste.
--Goz |
I know it works fine as a verb; but you can't make it into a proc, like I want to step on a tile and make it so the Entered() proc will call another proc to shrink the player's view down. Its a maze-like game; and the level is supposed to have a small view so its evilly difficult.
F002Stairs that's what I'm using. the "screenchange" is where I want the view to shrink down to a 3x3 viewing area (view=2 iirc...maybe view = 1 though I've never messed with it) |
Here's a little snippet to play around with.
turf/viewdown Basically when a player walks over these trufs, depending on which turf they walked over, their view will change. This ranges from a view of 1, to a view of 10. |
Okay I got it to work. I just needed set values, not + or -, but that is still just as helpful
I just used Entered(mob/M)</DM |
src.view = src.viewpick
Then make it so they pick "view pick" as a number.
I dunno'.