In response to Wanabe
The US is not rich. It is in debt, so it looks rich.

You can see it from the government level right on down to the lower classes. Many of the people in this country who look the most wealthy are in fact only the most in debt. The majority of US citizens do not even own their own homes.

The US suffers from many economic diseases. It is like a person who owns nothing but lounges on pillows borrowed from one neighbor while dining on food grown by another neighbor - the person looks rich but is actually poorer than his neighbors.
In response to Wanabe
Wanabe wrote:
Personaly I don't like most Americans since they think they own every single thing in my country (yes, even me! no doubt), it appears. I despise these ones in particular. I believe Americans are very, very RICH.

I believe that making generalizations about an entire country (one of the largest too) is perfectly acceptable and always correct, and that having any sort of proof would invalidate the whole idea. The only solution here is to unconditionally hate all people from that country based on the absolutely correct assumption that you have made.
In response to OneFishDown
The word most has a meaning. But I have a question; if they are in debt wouldn't they get every thing taken away from them? How could some one in debt be rich (or appear to be)? I don't under stand that...

Artekia has shown one reason, credit cards! I don't think it's a good idea to max those little plastic "thingies" out... :-P but anyway, if that's the case why don't they reposs every single item that they purchased with it since they cannot actualy pay for it? It makes sense to me.
In response to Wanabe
Maybe they could have like a bunch of maxed out credit cards or something.
In reply to Wanabe's edit maybe they only appear rich until their payments are due?
Being a military brat, I move every few years, I've gotten used to it and actually enjoy it. I've been able to live in Europe which was a wonderful experience. Grasp life by the handles and never let go, no matter what your current state is, eventually things will look up.
In response to Loduwijk
Very true. It's called "Living beyond your means," and it's the real American past time. You don't think this is true? Take a look at the example set by our government: when it finds out they haven't overspent by as much as they thought they would, they consider that having money left over (a budget surplus)... and by and large, us citizens live that same way.

For everybody who asks "How is this possible?" It's possible the same way it's possible to swim. You basically keep moving and make sure your head stays mostly above water. Why don't the credit card companies and banks repossess everything? Because then they wouldn't get to keep making money off people's folly. It is to the lender's benefit to keep the borrowers in debt, never quite to the level where they can't pay, but always hovering near it.


But at the same time... our poor are better off than the poor of many, many countries... and the impoverished middle class still has a high standard of living.
In response to Dranzer_Solo
Wow thats umm a horrible outlook, I mean how can you say that my dad had a great job he got fired because he had a different view on managing money. We hope we can get some money from sueing them. Lawsuits is the other great american pastime! Anyways back to seriousness, I think you were me two days ago oblivious to what is really happening. I hope nothing bad with the economy happens to you but if something did happen to you, you would finnaly understand anyways.
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
The US is not rich. It is in debt, so it looks rich.

You can see it from the government level right on down to the lower classes. Many of the people in this country who look the most wealthy are in fact only the most in debt. The majority of US citizens do not even own their own homes.

The US suffers from many economic diseases. It is like a person who owns nothing but lounges on pillows borrowed from one neighbor while dining on food grown by another neighbor - the person looks rich but is actually poorer than his neighbors.

Again, that's looking at it from an American point of view.
Hardly anyone in England owns their own houses too!
Lots of people live in council houses, owned by the Government, and the ones that don't are still (usually do for 30/40 years after) paying back their loans from buying their houses in the first place.

Does that mean they are poor?
Hell no!
They aren't going to wake up one morning and find themselves with no roof.

Stop blowing the situation out of proportion:
So, we're in debt?
That's how the economy WORKS.

You guys aren't "poor" because of it!
Come on, if you were poor, I say again- you wouldn't be surfing the internet.

Tsk. You Americans are the only super-power left in the world, and you go around sulking, claiming that you are "poor"?

In response to Shades
If you really mean that you bought that space heater to get your room higher then "10" degrees, then you should really sleep downstairs.

Okay, that is the problem today, people are too lazy and are trying to get the easy jobs. Such as 40-year-olds working in Burger King, like you stated. Life is not meant to be easy, you can't just drop-out of school and become a millionaire (although few people have, even billionaires) and expect to live a decent life. Even if you did graduate from high school and college, you cannot expect to make a lot of money. This is the new generation.

It is not easy, and is never going to get easy. I suggest they go back to college, get a better college degree, study, and get a better job. It's not the government's fault, people blame them because they are too lazy to get their asses up to go back to college and study. Life is meant to study all the damn time and to learn more and more. Then you can get a decent job and make a decent amount of money which can give you a decent living. That's what it takes, a lot of time and effort. Yes, it does suck, but there is no other way.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
You are dreaming. My grandpa(who I live with)lost his job over a year and a half ago. He can't find a new one, and hes not old enough to retire. Go back to school you say? For what? He already has a masters(which he got in 5 years, which is quite an acheivement), graduated second in his class from Ball State. If thats not good enough to get a job, what is? Your speaking from a third person perspective, and assuming your not that old, a lack of experience in the job market. My grandpa put in 3 applications at week for a year(at LEAST 3, often many more)untill his "pention" ran out, if you could even call it that. I will even go so far as to say your statement offended me.
In response to Jotdaniel
It's offending because it is true. You can never get "offended" until you KNOW it is true. Oh, and you have to give it everything you have, I mean, is your grandpa giving it everything he has? Going up to the owners, or whoever is in charge of hiring people. I mean, this is not the 1960s anymore. You gotta' bust your ass cause all people care about is money nowadays.

Oh, and here's a little motivation, and yes, it is true. My dad started out with absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing. He out of pure damn luck got a one room, trashy/dump apartment. Yes, one room. Small as hell too. He is smart too. He worked his God damned ass off. I mean he worked so damn hard that you cannot describe it in words. Now he has his own company and makes millions. Yeah, you heard me, millions. Excuses don't cut it, I'm sorry, they just don't. Your grandpa can find a job. Three applications out of billions of jobs? That's nothing. It happens to EVERYONE. It's not easy to get a job. This society is made up of excuses now, it's all people do. "I'm hurt!", "My teacher is horrible!", "I overslept!", ETC. that is all you hear nowadays and I am sick of it. Fess up to your own damn faults.

This may or may not be offensive to anyone, but deal with it. People are always getting offended nowadays cause they know what people say is true. If you get offended over everything little thing there is NO WAY you are gonna' get around in alife or be successful. Life is the toughest thing in history, toughen up and deal with it and stop your damn complaining and excuses (this goes for everyone in the damn world, and yes, including me). I learned this last year, now I am working my ass off at everything whether it be working out, football, baseball, wrestling, studying, ETC. Life takes EVERYTHING you can possibly offer, every little peice of damn sweat on your body counts.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
My grandpa is 57 years old, worked at Essex for almost 30 years as an accountant, and has had 2 heart attacks. No one will hire him, hes applied to places all over the country, and his resume is damned impressive. You don't seem to understand certain factors in the job hiring proccess such as age and health risks.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
Not to flame, but this is the most arrogant post I have ever read. You have no clue as to how the job market works, or so it seems, and all you have to show to base your claims is that you have a father who got lucky and got into the big buisness world. Not everyone can just do that and make millions, and if they could who would there be to run the less paying jobs that make those guys millions? Plus you don't seem to understand that when somebody is around 57, it IS almost impossible to find a decent job if you have been laid off. Usually people who work for a computer for about 30+ years end up planning on retiring there, not get fired within the last few years. I'm not offended by this "truth" as you put it, I'm getting offendeded that somebody is as arrogant and snot nosed to believe in this "truth".
In response to Kusanagi
I was almost ready to edit my post, but you expressed my remaining views to a T.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
So the fact that your dad made a bunch of money proves that everybody could get an adequate job if they tried? Want to explain that logic?

Not everybody can make it rich doing what your dad did. If they could... then your dad wouldn't be rich. Nobody would be. An economy can't work in that fashion.

Yeah, he worked hard, but you know what? He also got lucky. Does that offend you, to hear me say that your hard working dad was lucky? If it offends you, it must be true.

It's very possible to do everything "right" and work your ass off and still die in the gutter... because 99.999999% of the world is beyond your control. You can do everything in your power to get a job, but your power is a frighteningly small part of the equation.

No, that's not an excuse... it would only be an excuse if I followed it up by saying, "So don't bother trying!" That would make it an excuse. Obviously, while effort can never guarantee success, lack of effort almost always guarantees failure.
In response to Hedgemistress
Actually Hedgemistress, what you just said does not offend me at all, and yes, it is true. Of course he was lucky. He took risks, obviously. What successful person does not take risks? It's what you need to do in life. People give up to easily. And when he set an example of his grandfather not getting a job after three applications, does that mean everyone can't get a job in three applications?

Hedgemistress, anyone can do what my dad did if they work hard enough, everyone. I don't even know why you bothered saying they couldn't. Life is life. You learn, study, work, take risks. The guy who started the Virgin company took risks the whole way, now he's a billionaire. Sure, you'll lose some, but then you'll gain some back later. Realise how the people who took risks are always wealthy? Look at Donald Trumph. He was - 10,000,000,000 dollars. Yes, negative. He owed that much. Now, he took risks the whole way. He payed that back and got so much more. Take damn risks and stop worrying about if you have enough gas money. That's the problem with our society.
In response to Jotdaniel
Yes, I understand perfectly. I understand people will not hire people who have health risks and/or elders. Want to know? It's all about money to them, that's it. People wait too long before they do things.

Kholint, don't call me arrogant. That is not arrogant. That is our society. It is what we live in now and you will just have to deal with it. I suggest if you want a successful job, then you should have started in early High School year. If not, there's a bad chance. I mean, I am not a damn genius or anything but I definitely know the job market, so never, ever say I don't. I know more about stocks then most adults. I study this stuff.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
So hich is it?

Of course he was lucky.


Hedgemistress, anyone can do what my dad did if they work hard enough, everyone.

If he was lucky, that means not everyone can do it. You really, extremely don't get it. No, the example of his grandpa doesn't prove that nobody can get a job... I wasn't saying anything remotely close to that.

In order to demonstrate how extremely you don't get it, you go ahead throw up another example of Donald Trump. Guess what? Still doesn't prove anything! This is called "arguing by anecdote." People do it all the time because it seems perfectly easy and perfectly logical, and it only has one tiny little problem... it doesn't really work.

Here's a bit thing you're missing: capitalism is a competitive event. Not everybody can win it. There has to be losers. It's built into the system. And it's not like a nice, short sprint on a well-maintained level course where there are no obstacles and you can clearly see from one end of the track to the other. You can do everything within your power and still fail. No amount of market research will completely predict what your investments will do tomorrow. No amount of hard work will guarantee that you have the total edge over your opponents, who may have managed to work even harder. No guarantees, period. If you could live forever, eventually everybody would be rich and everybody would be poor at some point, much like Mr. Trump.

But we don't live forever... and what's worse, nobody knows when our time is up. We're all working under a deadline and we have no idea when it's coming. What if teh D0n4ld had had an aneurysm when he was at the bottom of the barrel? All of a sudden, one teeny tiny random change in his brain, and your example that "proves" nobody has to be poor proves the opposite.

Sure, you can't win if you don't play, but that doesn't mean any amount of playing will "make" you win. What you're saying is that everybody can win the lottery of life. It doesn't work that way! If a game has winners, it must have losers. For someone to succeed... someone else has to fail. For someone to succeed beyond their wildest imaginings... many people have to fail. No amount of "being cut throat" or "playing to win" is going to guarantee you make it to the top... or even to a comfortable level... because again, nobody can see the whole playing field.

Take damn risks and stop worrying about if you have enough gas money.

And again, you underscore how much you miss the point. Guess why they're called "risks?" Because not everybody who takes the jump, makes the jump. Most people don't.

That's the problem with our society.

If everybody gambled on entrepreneurship, our society would be gone, because the economy would be totally shot. The problem with our society is that people don't want to think. The people who use failure as an excuse to stop trying have their magic bullet... you have yours. Both you and them have decided you "know" how life works, which means you'll never have to think about it again.

In response to Hedgemistress
Forget it, it does not matter anymore. I am trying to stay positive, but all you people want to do is stay on the negative side. That will get you know where. People always think negative thoughts, which makes them second guess about doing things. Well, so much for being positive, go ahead and be negative, I really don't care anymore.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
I am sorry but that is not negative, it is truthful.
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