yeah i did that, monsters who roam the map that respawn and quests, sadly people dont utilize them as much as the punching bag because they are used to it, and im not drawing a different crowd at all lol. These are all ByondDBZers who are used to the way things are and very resistant to change of habits, you can yank the complex out of them, but if you try to change the very simple things, they get cranky :o.
Yes. Most people that plays dbz game on BYOND gets used to punching bag trainings. These people often criticize zeta type games and zeta's training types cause they are tired of it. Whenever they login a new game that is completely different with a completely different training type and has no p-bags at all, they 90% of the time complain and wants to use p-bags and since there is no p-bags in the new game, they leave and never come back.
There is a problem to this with BYOND. If there is an action-type game like 2D arcade fighting, obviously the one with the better connection to the server will win. But for puzzles and other types of dbz game, I agree. Puzzles are pretty easy but completely different from zeta..ehrm..dbz games. As for the RPG setting in dbz games, if you can make an open-ended system, it would be nice and would surely bring in some people. Most dbz games on byond have the same old zeta icons or edited zeta icons. Only a few have non-zeta "original" icons like DBZ Unforgettable Powers, Legend of the Dragonballs, and of course, my game lol. Other games uses icons found in websites or Legacy of Goku ripped icons. But one problem with theses RPG-based zeta is most of them seems to use the Power Level as the main life variable. I mean, getting to 250,000 power level hp, is very easy in dbz games but in other games RPG's it would be impossible or would take forever. But I'd wouldn't mind and would like to see a side-view scrolling/fighting dbz game sometimes.