I would I put a icon in the browser? ?
This should work

I think, I'm not to sure though.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
It doesn't seem to work.I put it and the img comes out like in yours.
In response to CodingSkillz2
argh...well did you press reply with quote...I meant to put it in dm brackets.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
No... <_<..
In response to CodingSkillz2
Heh, Well did it work?

Or a better way is uploading it to a webserver and then replacing C:/Blah/Blah/Blah.dmi with
In response to N1ghtW1ng

I think like that, but I don't think it works on the forums here.
You need to send the image to the client's cache with browse_rsc() before they can see it in the browser. There is a short example of its use in the reference. Alternately, you could link to images on the web.