Being gay is a natural part of any species. Humans aren't the only ones with gays.
Wrong answer. Some animals do break away from the norm from time to time, but it is not natural. And even then, I have only heard of it happening as a rare, spontaneous thing, not as animals getting together because each have sex with only others of the same gender.
Marriage is a vow two people take to show they love each other. Refusing to allow gay people the right to these vows will not stop them from loving each other. You can't kill love, you can only breed hatred. Gay people are here to stay, and the more you try to hold them back, the more they will fight to be heard, seen and accepted. Until you are willing to accept that gay people are people with rights, the better off the world will be.
Wrong again. Marriage is a ceremony of Christian heritage in which a man and a woman unite for the purpose of breeding children to raise in a family organization.
I'm not Jewish, but I could go and have a barmitzvah (not sure if I spelled that right) if I wanted. However, doing so would accomplish nothing - it would be void of all meaning. Likewise, homosexuals can go through with the actions of they want; but it is impossible for them to be truly married.
The legal implications of marriage, though, are quite different. The government should not call the legal acknowledgement of this "marriage" but rather should call it something else and drop the Christian meaning behind it where the legal system is concerned. After all, leaving it the way it is happens to be an infringement on the church-state thing.
Along with the above, make the law state that anyone who raises children and is their legal guardian can sign up for this... whatever you want to call it. Then the homosexuals can get in if they adopt and raise children.