Tomorrow, 11/11/04, is Veteran's Day for all of you in the USA if you didn't know. Post any comments, like if you were in the army before. Also, I need a Veterans day poem tomorrow that's four lines that rhymes.

[10 Nov 16:36] AZA: For the men of the war, we shall remember you for, what you did in awe, of the country you fought for.
Gotta work off of that
No, tommorow is rememberance day, because veterans day sounds like were only honouring people that lived.
In response to Jermman
Isn't it called rememberence day in Canada?
In response to Artekia
NOOOOO! really? I live in canada :P
In response to Jermman
Today is the 229th birthday of the marine corps, according to

yay for <s>armistice</s> veterans day!
In response to Jermman
We've been renamed to Canadia.
In response to JordanUl
JordanUl wrote:
We've been renamed to Canadia.

How could America drop to such a low degree.. Seriously it is cold in Canada :D
In response to Texter
Seriously no it isnt, do some research or just dont be a wuss.
In response to Jermman
Jermman wrote:
Seriously no it isnt, do some research or just dont be a wuss.

Although not as a whole, quiet abit of Canada has a cool climate. I don't know where you got, "Just don't be a wuss", I said nothing to demonstrate myself as being a wuss. You should have researched my previous statement before making use of your keyboard.

In response to Texter
Ooooo boo hoo, its cold! wear a jacket.
In response to Jermman
Once again, I never stated that it was too cold for myself. You boast your ignorance loudly.

In response to Texter
Oh but I do, ignorance is bliss.
In response to Jermman
Well, you know the saying.. If ignorance is bliss then we must be orgasmic :)
In response to Texter
No Ive never heard that, nice lol.
In response to Jermman
This is why the United States has two holidays: Veterans' Day, and Memorial Day. Specialization... it's the wave of tomorrow. :P
In response to JordanUl
Wrong. It is now "Pepsi Presents Canadia" :P
I am in the AFJROTC (A sort of mock air force academy thing), and we all wore our uniforms today and held a ceremony for the veterans of my city.

We got to hear their stories, and give moments of silence for those who gave their lives for my country and state.

The main speaker was someone from Holland who barely survived a concentration camp, and was a veteran of -I believe- Korea. Might have been WWII, not sure.

It was quite beautiful, I must say.
In response to Kunark
Some moron hit the fire alarm one purpose to disrupt the silence.

This made the teachers very upset, because a boy recently went straight from graduating from 6th form, into the Army and over to Iraq. At 18, he was killed.
In response to Hedgemistress
No, because society changes to fast for specialists to adapt. ;P
In response to Jermman
So what your saying is... the dead soldiers don't deserve their own day. Another reason to invade Pepsi Presents Canadia. ;P
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