They really need to make a Shrek 3, the first two movies were Godlike

They are making a Shrek 3,Where the hell have you been Kujila? board?viewpost=3474120

In response to Goz
Oh yeh, a message board is the freaking best place to get news and inside info. especially when half the people who surf the internet are hopped up teens who sniffed a little too much gasoline.

Anyways, it was on tv, in the news, that yes, in fact they are doing a shrek III. Shrek II was pretty good, but had no wear near the same effect on me as shrek I did, and they didnt even have dragon, now Im really pissed.

Anyways, lets hope the Shrek series dosent pull a "Austin Powers".
In response to Goz
I sure hope it doesn't become a sell-out.

Even if it has laughs, they aren't nearly as cheap as something like Scary Movie, so they could easily ruin the franchise.
In response to Shades
I agree. Austin powers 3 had some funny moments, but just like I'm afraid shrek will become, the overall consideration of the movie will drop because they will become sell-outs. The reason for this, is like I said, it just isn't easy when you are "re-continuing" a story.
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
I agree. Austin powers 3 had some funny moments, but just like I'm afraid shrek will become, the overall consideration of the movie will drop because they will become sell-outs. The reason for this, is like I said, it just isn't easy when you are "re-continuing" a story.

Well, It's pretty safe to say that even if Shrek 3 is considered selling out the series, it will still be selling out theater tickets and will break $400million at the box office.
I want a toilet made of solid gold, but that's not in the cards now is it?

"Shrek 3 is coming in 2006!" - Donkey on Father of the Pride.
Blah. They need another 3 years so that they can build up their crappy pop-culture jokes and parodies.

If you want to see a good computer animated film, go see The Incredibles.
In response to XxXSonGokouXxX
Good news for the developers... bad news for the critics :P
In response to Goz
Sweet ;)
