In response to FireEmblem
FireEmblem wrote:
Seems like the smart people like the DS as well (no offense to any smart people who picked the PSP(if there are any(which I doubt)))
In response to Shun Di
Wouldn't "I can't wait to get Mario 64 X 4" be accurate, clear, AND more efficient, word wise?

For example, if everyone in the world was to say it, then we'd save loads of energy...around 6 billion words worth.

You resource-stealing oil-grabber!
In response to Kholint
How is it more efficient? :P To be frank, if somebody said, "I can't wait to get Mario", in the context of a conversation about the DS, I'd know what they were talking about.
Genericdbzer666omglolzi0wnu wrote:
--- Kholint

AH HA! Who's teh pwned now?

In response to Xooxer
I actually knew before, I looked him up when he first posted =P
150 stars!? I could never even get all the stars in N64! At least its online now..That will help
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
How is it more efficient? :P To be frank, if somebody said, "I can't wait to get Mario", in the context of a conversation about the DS, I'd know what they were talking about.

I doubt you'd even need to be talking about the DS for it to be rather obvious. I doubt anyone is going to say "I'm getting Mario 64?" and be talking about the Nintendo 64 version (although oddly enough it happened last weekend).
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
The good thing about having everything-in-one is that you can carry it around more easily, plus you only have to buy one device instead of three different ones.

Yeah but it's putting all your eggs in one basket. It's bad enough getting your phone stolen, letalone you're Gameboy and phone.
The DS, Reasons:
Longer battery life
Uses the same charger as the GBA SP so I have 2 incase I loose one
More Innovative
I <3 Nintendo products
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
Hedgemistress wrote:
How is it more efficient? :P To be frank, if somebody said, "I can't wait to get Mario", in the context of a conversation about the DS, I'd know what they were talking about.

I doubt you'd even need to be talking about the DS for it to be rather obvious. I doubt anyone is going to say "I'm getting Mario 64?" and be talking about the Nintendo 64 version (although oddly enough it happened last weekend).

I recently bought Mario 64 off a friend so he could continue financing his girlfriend.

Waste of money if you ask me.
In response to Kholint
I recently bought Mario 64 off a friend so he could continue financing his girlfriend.

Waste of money if you ask me.

I dunno. It's my firm opinion that you haven't lived until you've seen Mario dive off a thousand-foot cliff, then land headfirst in a snowbank and dangle his feet helplessly in the air for a few seconds.
In response to Kholint
Kholint wrote:
I recently bought Mario 64 off a friend so he could continue financing his girlfriend.

We are talking about a girlfriend here, right? Not a paid, uh, well, you know. =P

Personally, if I was going out with someone who required me to provide them with finance in order to keep going out with them, I'd consider that a pretty strong hint. =D

Waste of money if you ask me.

The game, or the girlfriend?

Heh, just kidding.
In response to DarkView
And to add to this... it seems that "Super Mario 64 x 4" was a working title, 'cause I'm now seeing it listed simply as "Super Mario 64 DS".
In response to Dession
Yeah, I only recently got all 120 stars... but then, I don't play games with a burning drive to complete them. :P I'm more interested in just playing around, enjoying the freedom of motion, setting up stunts, etc.
Sad thing about those cute little GC disks... reduced capacity. They could only hold 1.5 gigs. I think it was kind of cool, but a bad idea none the less.

Anyway, go DS, even though I probably will never get one, because I seem to be spending all my money on guitar crap.
In response to Kholint
Kholint wrote:
Mega fart cannon wrote:
Wow, only 30 more stars to get ;D. I know where all the first 120 are.

Are you sure you remember exactly where they are?
After 6/7 years?
And even so, how bad could Mario 64 be, while riding on the bus?

Yes, i do, I have an extremely good memory, especially in gaming. From the secret 100 coin stars to all of Peach's Secret Castle Stars, to Bowser's 7 Red Coin Stars. The hardest star to get that I've experience was racing that one koopa for the second time.

Dession wrote:
150 stars!? I could never even get all the stars in N64! At least its online now..That will help

.....No it's not online, it's only 4 players as saying in the "full" title. And wow, you never got the first 120 stars?
In response to Crispy
Actually, I meant the girlfriend.

I'd rather have Super Mario 64 than a girlfriend!

(plus I got his old, mostly un-used N64 controller, and we all know how hard it is to get a pristine, working controller to play Goldeneye nowadays.)
It was awesome...and the controls were good. I drew a comic in pictochat and some kid stared at me like "wtfmates?^^"
In response to FireEmblem
What game?
In response to Dession
Metroid Prime Hunters and Pictochat :3
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