![]() Nov 30 2004, 10:25 am
In response to OneFishDown
I don't understand what kind of insult is that. I wouldn't commit suicide just because of a few jerks that can't move on from when i insulted them, or replaced them. That's not my fault, and you shouldn't be angry for it!
I never said i didn't like the mods.
You don't like me? Tough, deal with it. You're worth just as much as me, or anyone else. [EDIT] Yeah, you may have powers, or populatiry just because you took time out of your everyday life to learn a programming language, and then use it to make something, but that doesn't mean i should just be dropped as if i didn't have a heart. Hell, i'm not even saying anything mean at the moment, just repeating to you what you said to me. :/ |
I'm not the one acting like a child throwing petty insults around. You really need to stop this. Not only is it against the forum guidelines, it's degrading to yourself.
~X |
It's not like i can't be degraded anymore then i already am. I'm already worthless trash in this place, so it's not like it matters. And that's why i don't care.
Kaga-Kami wrote:
I don't understand what kind of insult is that. I wouldn't commit suicide just because of a few jerks that can't move on from when i insulted them, or replaced them. That's not my fault, and you shouldn't be angry for it! huh? i think you misread something. xoox was implying that if you don't like BYOND then you should leave. i was comparing that to not liking life, therefore committing suicide, and that a rediculous solution to something is, well, rediculous. |
Yeah, i know what he's implying. But i'm saying i never said such things. He's putting words into my mouth just so he can get a few insults in. :(
I agree with that bunny, People stink! :P |
If you are, then it's only by your own actions that you are. You have no one to blame for feeling worthless except yourself. Maybe if you did something more productive than arguing about moderation policy and insulting people, you'd feel better about yourself.
~X |
Kaga-Kami wrote:
I never said i didn't like the mods. Nope, wrong. I'm worth more than anyone else. I'm priceless. ;) And I never said I don't like you. [EDIT] Yeah, you may have powers, or populatiry just because you took time out of your everyday life to learn a programming language, and then use it to make something, but that doesn't mean i should just be dropped as if i didn't have a heart. Hell, i'm not even saying anything mean at the moment, just repeating to you what you said to me. :/ That's not what I said to you. And I don't have "powers" and I don't see myself as popular because of my programming skills. I'm popular because I'm Xooxer. It don't get no cooler than me. ;) If you want to be liked, then act like a likable person. If you want respect, polish your skills, if you want popularity, you can learn about it in my next book, Cool Like Xoox. $19.95+s/h available at a coffeeshop near you. ~X |
Kaga-Kami wrote:
Maybe these people are rebeling for some other reason? Maybe they aren't just "rebelious kids" like all you old fogies think they are. It's not a matter of rebelling or not- the community standards are pretty clear (and if not, then common courtesy and sense should prevail) about what is acceptable behavior. This is not just about a few kids who think they are cool by cussing, name calling, or being rude- it is about a community forum whose primary purpose is to support developers and such a community needs to present a respectable 'face' to the world in order to attract more developers. Whether these people rebel or not is not the issue- their general negative behavior is. Byond has a sick way of pissing people off, and then making them look like the bad guys. So, atleast try to see it there way too, if you don't, then you're all hypocrites. With the exception of a few people who we tried many times to turn away from being little more than rude jerks and who actually contributed greatly to the community with their knowledge of BYOND programming (Garthor being a prime example), we *do* treat everyone pretty equally in regards to moderating the forums. People get a few warnings, then a few short-duration bannings, and if that does not work a complete ban (exceptions are when it is painfully obvious the person is posting crap just to tempt the mods- these people usually get whacked harder in a shorter period of time). As Lummox mentioned earlier, there are a few different 'styles' of moderation amoungst the staff, but we all tend to follow the same direction of moderation: to keep the forums as up-beat, clean, and respectable as possible. Nothing ruins that more than people (not just kids) making slurs, and cluttering up the boards with nonsense. And don't think the moderators are unfettered- we police ourselves just as harshly as the boards we moderate. Any 'over-moderation' is discussed and fixed as soon as practical. Also mentioned before, the people causing the most trouble are usually the ones crying 'foul' the loudest. Contrary to popular belief we treat them the same as all the rest. |
Even if those people were here, this is not the medium they'd use to councel their client/child. That's what doctors offices, cushie couches and closed doors are for.
Ok, unlike our universe, it has been proven there is life after BYOND. Leaving BYOND is no where near the same thing as leaving this world. Most sane people will remove themselves from a distasteful situation, if given the choice. The choice exists here, I'm just pointing it out. ~X |
I agree with Xooxer. Also, these rules or so-called guide-lines are not hard to follow. They are very simple and are meant to be simple. There is no reason why you should not be following the rules....
Obviously, the forum was supposed to be moderated as is right now. I bet you don't see the moderators complaining about all the stuff they have to do to get and/or keep this forum in shape. If you really have a problem with how strict the moderators are on these forums, then why don't you go complain to Dantom about it, instead of posting your views on the public forum? As said above(I believe, I didn't read all of it), this is how Dantom wanted the forums to be, or else he wouldn't have picked the moderators he did, or set the rules he did. I personally believe that Dantom did a good job in picking their moderators and setting the rules.
(NOTE: This is not meant to seem like a flame of ANY sort, it's just my opinion) |
Jmurph wrote:
You would have urged them both to revolt against the tyrannical fascist-capitalist bonds that enslave them! Capitalist pigs! :P Calling someone a "communist" is often just one of the many ways used to attack someone so you don't have to attack their argument. Same with liberal, terrorist, hippy, or even democrat or republican. The particular terms used change over time and depending who they're being applied to. |
JordanUl wrote:
Oh come on. You really haven't noticed how many of the 'oldbies' are no longer around or post maybe once every few months? I don't know if it's my place to start naming names. What if I'm wrong and somebody just left due to time restriction or some other cause, my post would lose all validity. They are probally not around cause they actually moved on with their life. Some went to college, some got full time jobs, some are raising families or doing what needs to be done in order to raise a family, and some just got bored of BYOND like I did. I really don't think that they left or rarely post because of people acting immature. But you can't deny the link between, childish behaviour --> less of our mature userbase. I agree that there is a link, but not that much of one. The way I see it, is as you grow older and gain that maturity you also lose interest in BYOND. I know there are many "older" members in the BYOND community, but the vast majority are kids. As they grow older and get more mature, they lose interest in BYOND. Schoolwork, playing sports, girlfriends, chores, as well as jobs all come into play making them more and more likely to step away from BYOND. |
Stimulus wrote: ...as forum mods have done time and time again, may run away potential developers... digitalmouse wrote: got any examples? Actually, I have loads of examples. Naming them would be more or less pointless because you don't know them. I am refering to many people I have met in different games who act very childish in some cases, but have just as much potential as even the most mature person in the community. |
I believe digitalmouse was looking for examples of forum moderator actions, not people with potential. Having faith in people is fine. However, accusing forum moderators of poor conduct requires some proof.
Kaga-Kami wrote:
No, more or less they throw down whatever they thing they are, and then sit there and assume. From what you said, it even sounds like that's what they do. I don't understand what you mean here. Can you explain further? And besides, just because the person has there own personality, or style of things they do, doesn't mean they don't have the potential. Everyone has potential, weither you want to control them or not. :/ Yes, everyone has near unlimited potential, they just don't want to use it, or they hide it behind insecurity and/or anger that gets vented by using the anonymity internet can provide. Which makes them unwanted on certain internet forums, which in turn probably makes them even more angry. A vicious circle, that one.</psychologist> /Gazoot |
May I ask why you are replying to my post? I simply stated exactly what you were saying, but in a nicer tone. You are weird bro....
People make themselves the victims. It's not anyone else, it's you. And yes, that is quoted from hundreds of books (about bullies and all) and proven facts from the top therapists in the world, plus scientists and all.