My question is does being against it mean the government should be able to decide for you? No one thinks children should be doing alcohol, drugs or cigarettes. But what about legal adults? You know, the ones who pay taxes? Should the government be allowed to tell them they can't drink or smoke in their home? At one time, you couldn't buy a shot legally, but you could go down to the pharmacist and pick up all the morphine or cocaine you wanted.
Cars kill more people every year than all illegal drugs combined. Should we then ban driving? How much should the government protect us from ourselves? Isn't it somewhat hypocritical for the government to on the one hand prevent citizens from buying or possessing intoxicating substances for fear of harm but then not being afraid to execute them or send them into combat? Or allowing them to drink, smoke, fornicate, or shock themselves?
And why should the federal government be in charge of drug regulations, when states handle most alcohol, tobacco, firearm and similar laws (BATF notwithstanding)? Wouldn't it be better to allow states to deal with their issues as they see fit?
I'll have to disagree with you there. I know plenty of people who were generally nice and easy going people, and then starting smoking pot. After that, they started getting violent, rude, and interested in other illegal activities (theft, mostly). Hmm. Just out of curiosity: around the time they started smoking pot, did they also start hanging out with new acquaintances... maybe people who were violent, rude, and interested in other illegal activities? |
My question is does being against it mean the government should be able to decide for you? No one thinks children should be doing alcohol, drugs or cigarettes. But what about legal adults? You know, the ones who pay taxes? Should the government be allowed to tell them they can't drink or smoke in their home? At one time, you couldn't buy a shot legally, but you could go down to the pharmacist and pick up all the morphine or cocaine you wanted. I generally like a less obtrusive government too but illegal marijuana only affects me positivly. The last thing I want is another thing for jerks to be able to smoke in public around me. |
You may "disagree" with it, but you still haven't tried it, or have any experiences with it. You wouldn't understand from a personal view! ^^ Like all drugs it alters your state of preception so by taking it you've altered yourself in such a way as to make your point of view less meaningful especially in regards to the drug you do. |
They don't rob their friends and families to buy pot, and I have yet to hear of one Marijuana-related casualty, but the death toll for Cocain-related fatalities rivals that of any other drug to date.
How dare you say that, some of my brest friends steal from their parents just so they can go buy a bag. And some of these people happen to be honor students and go to community centers and stuff to help out. not to mention, last year, 2 of my friends died in a car accident when some idiot was all messed up on pot, and go figure, he was barely even hurt. |
You also won't find potheads ripping up the rugs looking for small green bits they "know" is pot. They don't rob their friends and families to buy pot, and I have yet to hear of one Marijuana-related casualty, but the death toll for Cocain-related fatalities rivals that of any other drug to date. Gah I had to deal with a roommate who used pot. He sold items that belonged to my other roommate I had at the time so he could afford more of tht crap. And smoking it is probably the worste part about it. The smoke, like any smoke, is bad for your health. But, the same can be said about cigarettes. This isn't the bad part. As I've mentioned before the bad part is me having to deal with jerks who like to do it in public. With it illegal that garuntees people won't do it in public places and thus I don't have to deal with it. However if it were legal I'd end up having to deal with yet another thing people can rudely smoke in my presence. it'll just make you giggle and sleepy. You've never had to work on a project with a producer who seems constantly on the crap. It was harmful for me and I wasn't even the one useing it! He may have not been the best worker to begin with but I'm certain being high doesn't help. The legal system is what's wrong with Marijuana. The fact that it's illegal to use, posses, grow and distribute has given law enforcement an easy target to arrest. Many good people are locked away for possesing Marijuana Depends on what qualities you find good in a person. Most people I've delt with that used Marijuana weren't the type of people I'd consider good. Whether or not this was from the Marijuana is irrelevant since I know they'd be the same type of people to insist doing it in public if they could. |
Volte wrote:
I'll have to disagree with you there. I know plenty of people who were generally nice and easy going people, and then starting smoking pot. After that, they started getting violent, rude, and interested in other illegal activities (theft, mostly). "I have never seen two people on pot get in a fight because it is ***** IMPOSSIBLE. 'Hey, buddy!' 'Hey, what?' 'Ummmmmmm....' End of argument." - Bill Hicks. It's true. |
Well actually, I really don't know why they consider it illegal. Today in english I did some research online and from reliable source, they said that the government funds a company that is affliated with the government, and they grow marijuana for testing. The only "legal" marijuana, is from them....
Why would it matter? People smoke cigerette's all over..sure they are slowly being banned from public places (Here in the US not sure bout other places), that doesn't mean they won't do it in the street.
Why would it matter? People smoke cigerette's all over..sure they are slowly being banned from public places (Here in the US not sure bout other places), that doesn't mean they won't do it in the street. Yeah and cigerettes being banned in many places is a step in the right direction. Wouldn't want to take one back by allowing yet another thing that can be smoked in public. |
In my Opinion:
I think it should stay illegal. It's a dangerous drug, and it's a gateway drug. And if it was legal, of course more people would do it. I hate when people say "Oh, if it was legal, less people would do it!" -.- |
Look at the Red Light District in Amsterdam (I think). There drugs are basically legal, and compared to the US percentage wise, the US has a higher percentage of smokers. Also my friend from Wales, where it is legal to smoke in your home, and have posession in your home..him and his friends smokes a lot but he said a good portion of people in his school don't smoke. In my school...I can say by Senior year...almost every kid with some form of a social life has smoked. Already Freshman year all the people that i'm friends with do it.
As what Xooxer said with Pot and Cocaine...and what you said Pot and Morphine are not on the same level. Morphine is a different kind of drug (forgot what it might be narcotic or antispesomean or something like that). Morphine is known to be very addicting. I don't know why they allow Morphine to be legal for Medical reasons, but not Marijuana (Even though some places aprove of it).
I'm against smoking bans in public places, especially bars and resturants. There is no evidence secondhand smoke causes cancer, and if you don't like it, don't go to the places where people smoke. Dictating that resturant owners and bars not allow smokers is just stupid. It's their estabilshment, and if they want to allow smoking, they should be able to. And if they ever did legalize recreational use of marijuana, it'd most likely be restricted to select places, like Amsterdam restricts smoking only to designated bars.
~X |
N1ghtW1ng wrote:
I agree, if anyone has seen the episode in simpsons when Homer broke his jaw, he started smoking to relieve stress. Actually, when he broke his jaw he had his face wired shut so he could not put anything in his mouth (which was why he tried to snuff the meatball up his nose). The episode Homer was attacked by ravens which pecked at his eyes was the one in which he smoked. The ravens made him their leader for destroying the scarecrow Marge put up in the garden, but Homer scolded the birds for flying Maggie around which ticked them off. As for my take on the stuff, it is perfectly fine. It is like gun control laws, which are unjust. There should not be laws against it, there should be laws against the crimes people commit. If someone is near the edge and is pushed that extra step by a drug to commit a crime, it's still their fault; thus they have no excuse. If "I was impaired and didn't know better." were actually a legitimate excuse, alcoholics would be saying "You can't give me a ticket for DWI, I was impaired and didn't know better." Fortunately, it is not a legitimate excuse. |
Shades wrote:
How dare you say that, Just the way I said it. some of my brest friends steal from their parents just so they can go buy a bag. What great friends you have. They probably also stole to buy candy when they were little, is candy a horrible thing now too? Oh, I guess the candy addiction made them do that. A kid stealing money from their mom's purse to buy pot to be cool among their friends isn't the same as a crackhead shooting you for the $0.33 in your pocket to buy a crack rock. And some of these people happen to be honor students and go to community centers and stuff to help out. You'd be surprised to learn who smokes and who doesn't. Marijuana is the badboy drug. It's petty, it's common and everyone from every walk of life uses it. Presidents have smoked, politions smoke, cops, bankers, teachers, students. It's not something you only find in the ghetto or slums. Quite a lot of suburbanites smoke, kids and adults alike. It doesn't matter what grades they get or what volunteer groups they are a part of. not to mention, last year, 2 of my friends died in a car accident when some idiot was all messed up on pot, and go figure, he was barely even hurt. What were the circumstances? ~X |
Theodis wrote:
Gah I had to deal with a roommate who used pot. He sold items that belonged to my other roommate I had at the time so he could afford more of tht crap. Then he was a scumbag. Pot didn't make him do it anymore than cereal makes you lie. Blaming the drug is focusing on the wrong issue. The guy was scum from the start, pot didn't make him so. With cocain, though, it can turn you into a loathsome person. This isn't the bad part. As I've mentioned before the bad part is me having to deal with jerks who like to do it in public. With it illegal that garuntees people won't do it in public places and thus I don't have to deal with it. However if it were legal I'd end up having to deal with yet another thing people can rudely smoke in my presence. What does it matter what other people do? It's not hurting you. You've never had to work on a project with a producer who seems constantly on the crap. It was harmful for me and I wasn't even the one useing it! He may have not been the best worker to begin with but I'm certain being high doesn't help. I have worked with people that were high on many, many different things. Using any drug at the workplace is wrong, no matter what it is. Depends on what qualities you find good in a person. Most people I've delt with that used Marijuana weren't the type of people I'd consider good. Whether or not this was from the Marijuana is irrelevant since I know they'd be the same type of people to insist doing it in public if they could. Again, marijuana doesn't make people bad. Bad people use marijuana just like good people. The good ones don't develop mental disorders or become violent, abusive or otherwise intolerable, they were like that from the start. ~X |
I have to strongly agree with you on this one, especially on banning drugs in privately owned buildings.
There is a place called Rosie's Tavern across the street from me, and Rosie had to build an outdoors area for smokers because of the new crap laws. It's her own dang building, she should allow what she wants in it. I hate smoking, but that doesn't give the government the right to make her do that on my behalf. If I don't want smoke in my face, I will stay away from her building. On top of that, because of the recent laws forcing her to do this, the people now have to smoke outside, which means I cannot escape the smoke now even if I want to. Granted, the area the people over there now smoke at is about 10 to 15 feet from the road, and I'm not too concerned about a cigaratte from that far away, but that still doesn't make anything better... only worse. Ten feet of air blocking the smoke from getting to me now instead of 15 feet of air plus half a foot of wall. How can that possibly help people who want to stay away from it? It's not so much "We're protecting people from the smoke." as it is "We're infringing on your rights to ensure that smoke is now more evenly distributed among non-smokers, those that go to the bars anyway get less of it than before and everyone else gets more." The only things that should be done are to ban it from being used on government property (so I can walk down the road or into the DMV without having it in my face) and to make it illegal in any public establishment which chooses to let the law extend into its territory. That way the grocery store can choose to ban it from its area while the bar, or even the restaraunt if it chooses, can keep smokers around. If any laws are made at all, that would be the only way to go about it. There could be some kind of state-kept list like there is for the anti-telemarketting thing. |
What does it matter what other people do? It's not hurting you. Even if it's not causing physical damage it doesn't mean it isn't cuasing discomfort. Regardless I highly dought having that crap in my lungs isn't doing anything bad. Again, marijuana doesn't make people bad. Bad people use marijuana just like good people. Funny that most the people I have run into that use the stuff are jerks, theives, or irresponsible. May not be the drug that causes it but I have still yet to run into any decent people that use it. |