Dec 2 2004, 7:10 pm
I need to queue 4 players and 8 monsters in a battle by agility... is there a built-in proc I can use instead of making 1200 lines of if() procs? ^_^
In response to Fint
First of all no it didn't take 6 months for me to figure out this doesn't work.
Second of all, you lost me at
for(i = 0, i < 25, i++)
Anywho, if anyone can explain better how that works or post something else, that'll work. I actually now that I think of it could really use this if I knew what it did =P so either someone could explain this better, post a differant code that would do the same thing, or just post a code that'll give me what I asked for (just pull the mob with the most agility out of the list and delete it from the list) even though this will actually work better; that'd be cool. (I realized that instead of sorting them every turn, I can sort them at the beginning and I can just use "boblist[1]", "boblist[2]", "boblist[3]", etc ^^ yays |
Make a var the reprisents each mob of the 12 mobs, and give that var a value that is like 1000 times they're agility.
Then just make a loop, considering the mobs are in a list called "mobs" and that the new var would be named "number" and the agility var is just called "agility"
Now L sould contain a list with all the mobs queued in teh right order. I think :P cuz i kinda wrote it fast AND i gotta catch my train now! U can probably use the cut() proc to get the mobs outa the list in teh right order.
Hope it helped a bit. Bai bai
Greetz Fint *runs off*